How Minimalist Living Helps You Save Money – 8 Simple Rules

How Minimalist Living Helps You Save Money - 8 Simple Rules

Minimalism has become a popular practice in recent years. It allows you to live a more focused life – buying only the most necessary and high-quality things, appreciating what you have, and not cluttering up your home with things. All of this contributes not only to saving money but also time. After all, there is much less cleaning and organizing things in the house. Minimalism is an ongoing process. Creating a consistent and “healthy” budget will help you cut costs and subsequently reduce anxiety and stress. What’s more, you will have more money for playing or travelling. As a beginner, follow these rules.

Quality Shopping

Minimalism, of course, does not mean that you will never shop now. You just need to shop more consciously. For example, if you need a new pair of sneakers, invest in quality products that will last you a long time. By following this rule, you will often have to buy things with a higher price tag, but you are saving money in the long run. With this principle, you also reduce waste and make your small contribution to the environment.


If you’re a big fan of reading, consider switching to digital alternatives to paper books. It will save space in your home and allow you to always find what you want – in a few minutes, instead of a long trip to the store. If you’re adamantly opposed to e-books and it’s important to you to physically feel the pages and volume of a paper book, consider signing up at your local library. It’s free and eco-friendly.

Superfluous Stuff

One of the most important principles of minimalism is to get rid of everything you don’t really need. Uncluttering is not a purely mechanical process. It’s important to think about and articulate your life’s values and goals. And understand what things correspond to these values and your idea of beauty. All other things should be gradually given away, sold or exchanged.

Invest in Reusable Items

When you start emptying your home, think about which things can be reused and which can be replaced with long-lasting analogues. For example, one of the easiest changes is replacing plastic water bottles and storage containers with glass ones. Or buying a reusable cup for take-out coffee – many coffee shops in addition give good discounts for using their containers.

Every Item Has Its Place

When you only have the things you need and love, it’s time to give each item its own place in the house. Make it a rule to immediately put things away in their clear place after they’ve been used.

Invest in Experience

A popular practice in minimalism is to prioritize before buying material items. More often than not, shared memories, trips, learning new things, etc. bring us more joy and meaning than chasing new gadgets, clothes and going to restaurants. Although the latter, of course, can also be necessary and important spending – if you do it consciously and with your values in mind.

Budget Correction

Take time to assess your current spending habits, and then consistently analyze them – and adjust your budget. Gradually get rid of unnecessary things that take up space and events that drain your energy. When you get into a taste of it, you may even want to get rid of things you thought you couldn’t live without.


Practice gratitude and focus on the good things you already have. Instead of browsing social media in the evening, write down three to five things you’re thankful for. Writing gratitude in the morning can lift your spirits and help you prepare for the day ahead. Such practices are effective in getting rid of the urge to buy things you don’t need in an effort to reduce dissatisfaction with life.


Please don’t forget to read – 4 Ways to Increase Your Money

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