Interview with Anubha Priya Madhav | Soft Skills Trainer | Founder at The EQ Key

Anubha Priya Madhav

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Anubha Priya Madhav for an exclusive interview with us. Anubha is a Soft Skills Trainer and Founder of The EQ Key. Let’s learn more about her background, journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Anubha:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I completed my PGDM with a focus on HR and Marketing, earning a gold medal in Human Resource Management. I began my career as an HR professional specializing in learning and development, where I conducted training sessions on various soft skills such as negotiation, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as statutory compliance and HR-related topics.

After taking a nine-year break to care for my children, I pursued a certification course in Digital Transformation in HR and AI-driven HR Analytics from XLRI. After I was determined to start the second innings of my professional journey I got certified as a soft skills trainer, master trainer and corporate trainer from the Indian Leadership Academy and this helped me to embark on my second professional journey as an entrepreneur.

I proudly now own a venture called The EQ Key, which specializes in soft skills training. Additionally, I am also a member of Toastmasters International which gives me a good platform for continuous learning.

‘The EQ Key’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

There’s a common misconception that soft skills are only important for working professionals. In reality, soft skills are valuable for everyone, including college students, homemakers, and individuals embarking on new phases of their lives.

Mastery of soft skills can significantly enhance personal development, improve relationships, and contribute to overall life satisfaction. Recognizing this, I founded The EQ Key, which offers customized training solutions tailored to the specific needs of various audiences. The “EQ” in our name stands for Emotional Quotient, and at The EQ Key, we believe that our training is the key to unlocking your inner potential.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Several key elements help me navigate and overcome the challenges I face. The invaluable encouragement and support from my family. Through their belief in me, advice, and willingness to listen helped me remain resilient. My strong determination to secure a bright future for my children fuels my drive to push through difficulties.

Remembering the reasons behind my efforts reinforces my commitment to overcoming obstacles. Additionally, the opportunity for personal and professional growth that arises from facing challenges motivates me.

The profound sense of fulfilment that comes from knowing my efforts are going to positively impact others and my community provides a powerful drive to persevere, even in the face of adversity.

Anubha Priya Madhav

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Life has imparted many lessons to me, but a few stand out particularly.

1) I often neglected one of the most crucial forms of love: self-love. Over time, I came to understand the importance of not forgetting to love and care for oneself. Embracing self-love has been vital in recognizing my own worth and overcoming self-doubt.

2) One should always go with the flow. Life is filled with ups and downs, much like a movie script with numerous twists and turns. We should embrace life as it comes, celebrating our successes while also facing challenges with vigor and courage.

3) One should always take ownership of your own actions as it will uphold your integrity.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

There are many factors that lead to success but there are some that really stand out. They are:

> Honest commitment to the work

> Learning should never stop as continuous learning keeps you competitive.

> Self-discipline is very important to keep you focused.

> Having very clear and realistic goals. If you have goals mapped it becomes easy to plan the way it has to be achieved.

> A positive attitude will help you keep going.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Students and young professionals should not only concentrate on gaining technical expertise but also prioritize developing their soft skills. Enhancing interpersonal competencies is crucial for both personal and professional growth.

To build a solid foundation, it’s essential to strive for a healthy work-life balance, which can be achieved by setting your priorities correctly. Cultivate strong work ethics by being punctual, reliable, and committed. Most importantly, ensure you have clearly defined goals and aspirations to guide your journey.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

My journey becomes truly exciting when I witness the enthusiasm and support of my entire family as I embark on my new path as an entrepreneur. Initially, I was sceptical about starting this venture, but their belief in me provided the motivation I needed.

The excitement grew even further when I joined Toastmasters International, which added an extra dimension to my journey as a trainer. Networking with people with a similar mindset and receiving encouraging feedback after delivering my speeches on this platform continually energizes me, motivating me to put even more effort into refining the content of the training modules and work on the delivery methods. The most satisfying part of this new journey of mine is that through The EQ Key, I am going to create a culture of cohort learning for the trainees.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Tapaswini Das Mukherjee | SoftSkills Trainer and Behavioural Skills Trainer | Communication Skills Coach | Influencer

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