Interview with Chakshu Verma | Spiritual Coach | Astrologist | Tarot Card Reader | Influencer

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Chakshu Verma for an exclusive interview with us. She is a Spiritual Coach, Astrologiest, Tarot Card Reader and an Influencer Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Chakshu: 

We are aware of your contributions to the ecosystem; talk us through your background and your journey, please;

My journey with astrology and Tarot began as a fascination with the cosmos and a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe. Growing up, I was drawn to the planetary movements and their influence on human life. Studying astrology became a journey of self-discovery, as I delved into the intricate language of planetary alignments and cosmic energies.

Through years of study and practice, I honed my skills in chart interpretation, symbolism, and predictive techniques. My background in psychology and spirituality deepened my understanding of astrology’s profound impact on individual behaviour and collective consciousness. Today, I am passionate about sharing this knowledge to empower others on their life paths.

Chakshu Verma

How did you discover your passion?

My passion for the occult began with a sense of fascination and wonder about the mysteries of the universe. From an early age, I found myself drawn to the unseen forces that shape our lives, questioning the deeper meaning behind the movements of the stars and planets. This curiosity led me to explore various spiritual traditions and mystical teachings, seeking answers to life’s profound questions.

As I delved deeper into astrology, tarot, and other esoteric practices, I discovered a profound resonance with their symbolic languages and profound insights into human nature. Each new revelation felt like uncovering a hidden treasure, igniting a passion within me to delve further into the mysteries of the cosmos.

Through years of study, reflection, and personal experience, my understanding of astrology and the occult deepened, guiding me on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. I found that these ancient wisdom traditions offered not only a roadmap for understanding the patterns of our lives but also a profound tool for personal empowerment and transformation.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Facing challenges is part of the process, but what keeps me going is my deep-seated passion and curiosity. When things get tough, I remind myself of the magic and wonder that drew me to this path in the first place. It’s like chasing a mystery that keeps unfolding, with each challenge offering an opportunity for growth and discovery.

What drives me is the belief that there’s more to life than what meets the eye. The occult teaches me to see beyond the surface, to delve into the hidden depths of our existence. It’s a journey of exploration and self-discovery, where every obstacle becomes a stepping stone to greater understanding.

In simple terms, I have a particular fascination with exploring the potential for past life assessments, as it helps me grasp the fundamental significance of planetary placements.

When faced with challenges, I lean on my spiritual practices for guidance and support. I am an ardent devotee of Devi Baglamukhi, she is the very source of all my spiritual knowledge.

But perhaps most importantly, what keeps me going is the sense of purpose that comes from sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. It is my solace, my life purpose. I was intuitive about it, but when I studied my own chart, I knew I was on the right track and I had found my life purpose.

In simple terms, my passion for the occult is like a flame that burns bright even in the darkest of times. It’s what keeps me going, what lights my way through the unknown, and what fuels my desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

In my journey through the occult, three significant figures have stood as pillars of motivation and guidance: my Guru, my father, and my husband. Each has played a unique role in shaping my understanding and passion for this mystical realm.

My guru, Dr Narayan Dutt Shrimali Ji, has been my foremost source of motivation in my life. His guidance, wisdom, and spiritual insights have inspired and empowered me to delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos, guiding my path with clarity and purpose.

I seek his guidance as the very first step in everything, right from when I wake up till the time I go back to bed. With his blessings, I am continually propelled forward on my spiritual journey, seeking deeper understanding of the esoteric world.

My father, with his wisdom and love for esoteric knowledge in the occult, ignited my curiosity from a young age. His encouragement and support provided a solid foundation for my explorations into the occult, instilling in me a sense of wonder and awe for the unseen forces at play in the universe.

And then my husband, who has been a constant source of inspiration and strength. His unwavering belief in my abilities and his shared enthusiasm for Astrology have fueled my passion and determination, reminding me that I’m always divinely protected.

Their presence in my life continues to enrich and empower me, propelling me forward on this transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

Exploring the occult comes with invaluable strategies for personal growth and self-discovery.

Firstly, embracing mindfulness and meditation practices derived from occult traditions has nurtured my inner peace and emotional resilience, fostering a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Secondly, studying esoteric symbolism and archetypes has provided me with profound insights into astrology, facilitating greater empathy and compassion toward others.

Additionally, consulting tools like tarot and astrology has encouraged introspection and self-reflection, empowering me to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and wisdom.

Most importantly, it is essential to honour and nurture your spiritual roots and lineage. They serve as a guiding light, grounding you in wisdom and tradition. Never stray far from your spiritual foundation; it’s the source of your strength, insight, and connection to the divine.

These strategies have been instrumental in my personal growth, guiding me toward greater authenticity, fulfilment, and spiritual evolution.

Chakshu Verma

What advice would you give to our readers?

To those intrigued by the occult, my advice is to approach it with an open mind, curiosity, and utmost respect. Delve into its teachings with a discerning heart, recognizing that these mysteries are vast and multifaceted. Embrace a spirit of exploration and experimentation, allowing yourself to be guided by intuition and higher wisdom.

Furthermore, seek out reputable sources of knowledge and guidance, whether it be through books, mentors, or communities of like-minded seekers. Engage in regular spiritual practices such as meditation, rituals, and sadhana to deepen your roots to your lineage.

Remember that the occult or specifically Astrology is not a quick fix or a means of gaining power over others; it is a path of personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual evolution. Approach it with humility and reverence, honouring the ancient wisdom passed down through generations.

Above all, trust in your inner guidance and intuition as you navigate the complexities of the occult. Stay true to your spiritual values and intentions, and let your journey unfold organically, leading you towards greater insight, empowerment, and enlightenment.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

What makes my journey in astrology and the occult satisfying and exciting is the endless exploration of the unseen realms and the profound insights gained along the way. Every discovery, whether through studying planetary alignments or delving into esoteric symbolism, offers a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of the universe.

There’s a sense of wonder and anticipation in uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos, like peeling back layers of reality to reveal hidden truths and deeper meaning. Each new insight brings a surge of excitement, igniting my curiosity and fueling my passion for exploration.

Moreover, the journey in astrology and the occult is deeply personal and transformative. It’s a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth, where I continually learn more about myself and the world around me. There’s satisfaction in the process of introspection and inner exploration, as I uncover hidden aspects of my psyche and gain a deeper understanding of my place in the universe.

Furthermore, sharing my knowledge and experiences with others adds another dimension of fulfilment to my journey. Connecting with like-minded seekers and guiding them on their own paths of discovery brings a sense of purpose and joy, knowing that I’m making a positive impact in the lives of others.

Overall, the journey in astrology and the occult is a deeply satisfying and exciting adventure, filled with endless possibilities and profound revelations.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Nidhi Dave | Entrepreneur | Leader | Tarot Reader | Numerologist | Blogger | Founder at WorthyofYou

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