At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring to our community some of the finest stories from India and around the World. As part of this endeavour, we invited passionate entrepreneurs Damodar Venugopal Founder of The Mind Seed. Harleen Kaur and Dalbir Kaur Bhatia Co-Founders of The Mind Seed. Let’s learn more about their truly inspiring journey, their backgrounds and their advice for our growing community!
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with them:
We are aware of your contribution to the ecosystem; talk us through your background and your journey, please;
Harleen – I did my schooling at Shivalik Public School and pursued engineering from the prestigious Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology in Chandigarh. I was very passionate about helping my friends to solve their personal problems or relationship problems. Other than that, I was a keen participant in many clubs like Rotaract and helping humankind.
To add to my skills and knowledge, I also completed my master’s in Electronic Product Design. I worked with the latest technologies in the electronic field under the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC).
I explored myself for public speaking as well as different cultural activities.”
As far as engineering is concerned, I went deeper into things like waste management. My major project was related to innovative hardware solutions for agriculture.
Dalbir – I come from a humble middle-class family with no background of any entrepreneur in the family. Due to the transferable nature of my father’s job, I completed my education across various cities. I did my schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya in Kapurthala and went on to do a BSc in Hotel Management from IHM Lucknow and then Masters in Tourism Management from IGNOU. Post my marriage I moved to Mumbai where I started developing an interest in the field of Education & Training. I worked at various educational institutes as a teacher as well as an administrator.
It was during my stint as a teacher that I realized my passion for mentoring the young minds of students. I decided to quit the job and pursue a certified course in Soft Skills Training.”
I am also a certified Career Counsellor and help students to understand their area of interest and choose the right career path.
Damodar – I am a life coach and founder of The Mind Seed.
The Mind Seed ( TMS) as the name indicates is a genuine attempt to instil seeds of positive thoughts in the mind of a person, not only to eliminate the negativity, but also to allow the person to choose a course of action and actions, and align towards their goal or goals. We do not believe in motivation only but in CHANGE because motivation does not last.
Let me share my journey with you all. This will relate to the 1st concept on which TMS was formed. I was a finance professional working in the commercial hub of ME, Dubai for 15 yrs. Though I was a finance manager, my personal finance was down the drain because I had to support my family there and I was the only bread earner. It was a distressing situation for me as the situations were all against me. This is the time when I needed to CHANGE desperately. I had the privilege of meeting my mentor.
The question what I asked myself: ‘What CAN I do’ lead me to think…what is in my control…not the situation of course. But yes, definitely one thing was in my control. My mind. So, I had to put artificial happiness in my mind though I wasn’t happy. Reverse psychology.”
Normally, we are in habit of taking instructions from the mind but do not attempt to give instructions to it. I did it. Trust me, it was that spark that put a fire in me. I started doing those small and big things which I had never done before. Things started to CHANGE. My perceptions, my thought process in a whole took a shift to total positivity. I stopped cribbing…. I stopped complaining…I stopped blaming….I stopped being emotional.
This complete transformation happened due to the deep rooting of my mind. You are aware that the strongest part of the tree is its roots. I developed those roots through the positive seeds. This is the first unique concept of CHANGE adopted by The Mind Seed. To develop the roots to make a person unable to handle any situations in life.
What made you passionate about ‘Coaching’?
Harleen – Healing and helping are what I like the most. When others become happy, relieved, and satisfied, it makes me feel at the top of the world. My goal is to give my clients a path to their personal and professional growth.
I believe that we all have the power within us to change our inside and outside conditions. There could be several problems. Relationship issues or fight within ourselves to excel and leave behind the past habits.
Nowadays, fixed mindset, anxiety, depression, inferiority complex issues are pretty common. It is an inner fight that needs to be fought right and can transform a person completely. But, yes! It needs support.
A coach or mentor guides you properly about your next steps. The combination of these steps leads to personal transformation.
Dalbir – As I mentioned earlier, it was during my stint as a teacher that I realized my passion for mentoring and coaching. My interactions with students and their parents made me understand how fragile minded these young students are. Despite having access to so much information on the internet about various careers, education options, etc, they still seem to be confused with not much clear direction in their mind. I decided to take up a career to help such students find the right path to their future by way of being a career counsellor.
Also, I saw a lot of students lacking confidence when it came to public speaking, not having the correct body language and lacking in areas of overall verbal and written communication skills. Today, I devote the majority of my time in training and mentoring such students and it gives me immense pleasure when I am able to make a positive change in a students’ life.
Damodar – Helping others heal was definitely my true passion. I had never thought in my finance career that I would pursue my dream of CHANGING people’s lives. I used to think Dreams were only wishful thinking. And here I am now pursuing it. It is the PROCESS that I underwent that made me believe that DREAMS are POSSIBLE. I never had any difficulty in getting the brand name and logo as if it had been sent by GOD telling me that I have to do it.
I believe we all are capable of making any CHANGE we desire for ourselves. It all depends on how you ACCEPT and APPLY. ACCEPTANCE is the first baby step towards SUCCESS and minds you, SUCCESS is not about the goal but about the PROCESS that you undergo in pursuit of that goal.

‘The Mind Seed’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving.
Harleen – The mind seed is the connection to your basics and roots. A single seed of thought, when applied in the right way, can make a person completely different. It is like the root of the plant. Strong roots make the person strong. On the other hand, a person with weak roots can get blown away with a strong wind in their life. There could be any storms in life, like losing a dear one, job loss, and illness. A person attached to his roots will come out stronger and better, overcoming all the situations.
Mind Seed touches almost all walks of life.
a) Whether its kids getting addicted to their phones and facing behavior problems or parents cannot give proper attention to their children due to lack of time.
b) We address teenage challenges as well. Let it be peer pressure, fear of public speaking, and finding an appropriate stream for their career.
c) We solve anxiety issues of students for landing in their Dream College or university.
d) We cover the youth drug addiction problems. They even face pressure to get jobs due to stiff competition. There are many atrocities against women as well.
e) There are many issues like Relationship problems between husband and wife or old people not satisfied after retirement due to financial problems and less social interaction.
Dalbir – “The Mind Seed” name itself explaining about our vision. We not only believe in motivation, however we focus on deep rooting in mind, so that people can change their lives in a better way. We want to bring change in the whole society & therefore we are working with students, professionals & with many different sectors to encourage them to come out from their comfort zone to achieve their personal & professional growth.
In short, we are putting positive seeds in their minds for transforming their lives for a great future.
Damodar – Like I mentioned before the brand name and logo came to as a Godsend as if God wanted to tell me that I am destined to do this. Make an impact in people’s lives. But it had to be in a different way as I knew that there are many life coaches out there helping people. So, I wanted to be different.
Hence, I came with a concept of CHANGE by positive seeding in mind to get better results. I have been instrumental in CHANGING people’s lives through this process. We are providing our services to people from all walks of life. In fact, I should say, every person has to be a life coach because it is about life and not being restricted to be treated as a profession or certificate. This will give rise to personal professional development in individuals, which in turn will help bring CHANGE in society, in-state, eventually the nation in a whole. We can proudly say that we serve the NATION.
We can help curb crimes, suicides, and atrocities on women. Bring job satisfaction among employees, bring result-oriented career growth plan among students, help parents, teachers in the development of children, bring growth-oriented strategies for corporate and entrepreneurs. Last but not the least, serve the needy section of society through our NGO programs. These are not mere words but a PROMISE to the world. There are many programs that are being planned in TMS. TMS is a one-stop-shop for people from all walks of life.

How do you guys manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?
Harleen – A burning desire to empower people to control their lives instead of outside conditions ruling them. I always ask myself how to bring self-awareness and social awareness to every person in this world to be their version? When people can solve their problems by themselves and others around them, then the flowers of happiness will blossom everywhere.
I believe in sharing the life of empathy, joy, and actions. There are many obstacles in the way; it is the purpose that matters the most to me. Another thing that keeps me going is the inspiring words of Guru Gobind Singh Ji “Victory with determination”. He rightly says that when you know that your purpose is right, keep moving ahead no matter what may come in your path.
Dalbir – My biggest endeavour is to contribute in the field of education. The education system is the base and root of any society. As a counsellor and trainer, I am driven by my desire to help students evaluate their abilities and interests, overcome challenges and obstacles, and develop necessary skills. It gives me a sense of great satisfaction to work with students to overcome issues that could undermine their academic or career success.
Damodar – I strongly believe in the 3 Cs, the 3 Ps & the 3 Es.
The 3 Cs: Communication, Commitment & Consistency.
The 3 Ps: Patience, Perseverance & Passion.
The 3 Es: Excitement, Energy & Empathy.
My reasons and goals drive me to put ACTIONS. I believe that the only way one can keep consistently going is by following “Thoughts…Actions….Thoughts….Actions”. NOT ‘Thoughts…Thoughts…Thoughts”, or ‘Actions….Actions…Actions.
Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?
Harleen – The source of my motivation is my parents and husband. Additionally, it is my child “Divjot” who gave meaning to my life. My mother always asks me, “Are you happy”, “What did you do to improve myself”, and her gentle care brings a smile to my life.
My husband stands beside me as a foundation rock and acts as a big support in my life. He never obstructs or stops me from trying new things and wants to see myself growing and growing every single day. We went through a lot of ups and downs. And every turn taught us how to stand firm no matter what may happen. These people keep me going in my life and act as every flowing source of energy for me.
Dalbir – Students & Clients. The Mind Seed goal is to bring change in people’s life & when I see that the students are applying life skills attributes & bringing positivity in their life, it gives me immense pleasure & this feeling motivates me to keep going.
To be honest, in my opinion, rather than searching for motivation outside, it is very necessary to search for internal motivation. Therefore, I would say, my passion & commitment towards my goal of changing people’s lives is the biggest source of motivation.
Damodar – I do not believe in motivation alone. We need to do always remember why we started this. The only motivation is your compelling reason and a strong desire to work towards it plus the sense of urgency.
I have been inspired by many success stories. I have always believed that one has to be crazy to pursue one’s goals.
What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?
Harleen – There are a few:
1) Being excited and adopting the right mindset
2) Seeking help whenever stuck and focusing on the next step.
3) Taking responsibility for my actions.
4) Courage to take a stand for me.
Dalbir – Good question! Here are some:
1) Having a non-judgemental approach while interacting with students.
2) Being Resilient, persistent and humble.
3) Showing genuine interest in the growth and progress of the ones whom I mentor and coach.
4) Ability to build trust among the clients
Damodar – Mainly the following:
The deep rooting of my mind. A self-appraisal of myself. An attitude to work on my weaknesses and appreciate my strengths. This created excitement, the same excitement that one gets when he or she is on an adventure.
We need to treat life as an adventure. Many obstacles may come, but one must bring that CHANGE to be able to face any situations in life. Positivity is not only when it is applied when you are in a happy state but also when you are down in your life as well. This is the character that helped me become what I am today.

You are always positive and motivated, what keeps you going?
Harleen – I believe that innovation and Entrepreneurship are two strong pillars that will change society. I aspire to strengthen these two pillars. Other than that, my motivation comes from singing. The tune of music makes me dance and sing the words from my heart. You can say immersive experience. I forget myself when I sing and become a part of it.
There are hundreds of changes that keep on coming into the market. I try to learn, unlearn and relearn to adapt to changes. Action mode is the essence of my performance. When I launch the actions on the launch pad, it’s the results and the feedback that inspires me to move forward. It honed my skills as well as gave me a chance to improve myself.
This way, I enjoy my purpose taking along my team members. Team members complement my life; they fill the gaps wherever and whenever required. Moreover, spending time alone and a dose of self-care keeps me energetic and performs my level best. While doing exercise or cycling, I love the feel of the air. It instantly charges me like anything.
So, I remain always presentable and full of life to solve the issues of my clients. It helps me be like a sponge to absorb all the negativity while radiating positivity. I enjoy reading, listening, and writing personal growth work.
Dalbir – I always believe in myself. Reading books & taking out time for myself helps me to be positive all the time. Before mentoring or coaching others, it is important to apply those skills in one’s own life, which I am asking others to work upon. I love myself & I care for myself, because I believe, if you cannot love yourself, you cannot give affection/empathy to others, if you are careless for your own self, how would you be caring for others.
I wake up every morning with gratitude & I thank God & Nature for the wonderful day. It helps me boost my self-esteem & enhance my performance.
Damodar – I have always believed that it’s ME who needs to CHANGE. I need to have a self-assessment of who I am, WHERE I am, the reasons WHY I am here, WHAT I want to be and HOW I want to reach where I want to.
What is the worst thing that can happen to you… We die. There’s no challenge which can’t be handled.
My vision of CHANGING people’s lives all across the globe is definitely a CHALLENGE and the mission to CREATE a TEAM of like-minded ENTREPRENEURS to ACHIEVE that VISION keeps me into ACTIONS every time. I want to CREATE a BENCHMARK in life coaching.
Last but not least, my responsibility and commitment towards my team is also a deciding factor because they look up to me to become successful and I have to make sure that I am there on every step towards they take towards pursuing their goals.
Please share with us, how do you motivate your clients?
Dalbir – Through understanding the need of the client. Listening to them & be empathetic with them. By asking them to take small steps & make SMART goals.
(i) Specific
(ii) Measurable
(iii) Achievable/Attainable
(iv) Realistic
(v) Time-bound
Damodar – I do not only motivate my clients. I bring CHANGE in them by making them accountable for their ACTIONS and put them into the right course of ACTIONS.
In your opinion, what are the keys to success?
Harleen – I will say it straight that there are many factors, but if you have to have the essential elements, then to me, these are the ones:
(a) Growth Mindset.
(b) Responsibility for my actions.
(c) Standing up for myself.
(d) Curiosity.
(e) Communication and Networking.
(f) Being Mindful of every activity.
(g) Feeling grateful for everything you have in life.
(h) Taking massive action (execution) with consistency and commitment
Dalbir – There are many factors but if you really have to have the key elements then to me these are the ones:
1) Acceptance of failures.
2) Gratitude
3) Accountability of my actions
4) Willingness to learn
5) Maintain Integrity & empowering others
6) To be creative, flexible (accept change), Consistency.
Damodar – Success is not about the goal….it is about the PROCESS that you undergo in pursuit of GOAL. The process is what makes you a person to handle any situation in life.
The SUCCESS is when you create a situation for yourself by which life’s situations will circle around you as compared to you circling around life’s situations.
1) ACCEPTANCE is the first step towards SUCCESS.
2) DISCIPLINE is a step towards SUCCESS
3) ACCOUNTABILITY to yourself is a step towards SUCCESS.
4) Tapping all possible AVENUES of REVENUES is a step towards SUCCESS.
6) HAPPINESS is a step towards SUCCESS.
What are the business mantras you have embraced as you sought to establish your success story?
Dalbir – I believe it is important to keep learning and upgrading your skills and knowledge to be able to succeed in your profession. Also, you need to be flexible and adaptable to new ways of doing your business which can help you in creating a crisis into a new opportunity.
Damodar – Give your best shot at whatever you are doing. Make it your passion.

What about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?
Dalbir – I get a lot of feedback from students as well as their parents as to how my interactions with them have helped in their overall development. It gives me great satisfaction to know that these learnings will stay with them for a lifetime and make them better individuals, both professionally and personally. Being able to bring about a positive change in someone’s mindset is the biggest motivation.
Damodar – It is my urge to attend to people’s challenges, give them a practical solution and make them move on in life.
I am happy when someone gets a job because of me. I am happy when people get great things in life because of me.
What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?
Harleen – Consider Life Coaching as a way of living. It will give you everything you think for living an ideal life, from self-awareness, good friends, and fruitful relationships to financial freedom. When you spread life coaching in all directions and domains, it will be a medium of earning and learning side-by-side, bringing transformation to your personality.
You learn to handle many job roles such as influencing with conviction, being a remarkable public speaker, managing different people in the market, being an intelligent decision-maker, and completing your work before time. It is an opportunity to meet people from all cultures and know people of different nationalities.
Starters may find this role challenging, but it will be an enjoyable and fruitful journey after some time. There are many aspects in life coaching, such as being a parental coach, teacher trainer, being a Corporate Coach, career counsellor, or youth counsellor.
Other than that, there are opportunities in the NGO sector as well with the Mind Seed. It is worth working for women empowerment, from a social group with older people or even sponsor an individual education or a village.
Thus, it is your choice where you want to leave your mark. Finally, I would like to say that Mind Seed is genuinely the best investment in your life. Our team will support and train you wherever you want.
Dalbir – It’s important for students and young professionals who have just started their careers to understand and concentrate on their strengths and work as per them. Also, there will be times when things will not go as per your plan but you should not let the failures scare you and divert you from your dreams and goals. Failures make you stronger and more knowledgeable.
One more thing I feel is important for students is to not shy away from asking for help and advice when they are not aware of something. I use my LinkedIn platform to regularly interact and guide young students and professionals.
Damodar – Only one piece of advice….rather take it as a suggestion:
You deserve a great life, not a mediocre one. But for that great life, you need to make your mind great with positive seeds of thoughts.
So, take up The Mind Seed. Because I know whatever motivation or ideas I give them, there’s a high possibility that it will not be practically implemented. One needs to be in ACTIONS and The Mind Seed will put them into ACTIONS.
Being in The Mind Seed will make them professional. What happens is, the students are technically developed in schools and colleges or institutes. However, when they are exposed to the outside world, they face stiff competition. The Mind Seed will give them all the qualities that are required to be a SUCCESSFUL person.
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