Interview with Deepa M Sarkar | Author | Abundance Coach | Spiritual Healer | Educator

Deepa M Sarkar

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Deepa M Sarkar for an exclusive interview with us. Deepa is an Author, Abundance Coach, Spiritual Healer and an Educator. Let’s learn more about her background, journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Deepa:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I’m an Abundance Coach, Amazon India’s #1 Bestseller Author, Spiritual Healer & Educator with 9+ Healing modalities, like Reiki, Switch-words, Angel therapy & Tarot Cards.  I always had a creative knack for things, and wanted to become a Fashion Designer, however, went ahead and graduated along with a computer diploma and then later did my PGDM.

I worked for various corporates in IT, HR, Service Industry, and later went on to work in the Makeup Industry and have 20 years of total experience. I answered my true calling & purpose of helping, and healing people & sharing my wisdom, through different mediums.

Even as a child, I was keen to learn esoteric wisdom and read books on palmistry, zodiac signs and astrology. In my teenage years, I was doing card readings through playing cards, now known as Carto Mancy. I was often told, by friends and family,  that I have healing hands, as and when I touched to soothe their pain. I always believed that I was guided by some unknown force in my journey and have always followed my intuition in making bold decisions in my life.

Currently, I’m on a mission to bring people out of their lack mindset and bring financial abundance into their lives. Hence, the book 21 Ways to Attract Money was written.

Deepa M Sarkar

How does your Abundance Coaching & Spiritual Education help professionals?

My Abundance coaching is an amalgamation of my psychological and spiritual wisdom, It is based on 3 major factors –

– Your limiting beliefs

– Your self-worth

– Your energetic alignment

It helps you find your limiting beliefs around money or your growth, what and why it’s stopping to live the life of your dreams. Once we can find the limiting beliefs then, we work on self-worth, because the majority of what you have or don’t have is rooted down to these 2 factors.

Then the last one which is equally important is to find out and work on the energetic alignment with your goal, dream, or vision. Where healings and chakra alignments and other energetic & healing work come into the picture, as it boosts and removes some unwanted blocks from your Aura and gives that extra added oomph to your inner work.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

I believe my Purpose, is what keeps me going, My resilience is my Superpower. Trusting the Universe and Surrendering to the Divine Plan has always kept me sane, in the toughest times.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

1) Setting Boundaries in any of your relationships is very important.

2) Even If, you have not harmed the person, you can be the villain in their story.

3) One should not Trust so easily, take your time to trust people and their genuineness.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

> Self Worth, you need to know by your inner work & reflection, of your worthiness, what you deserve, and what goals you have in your mind. Our limiting beliefs stop us from dreaming big.

> Resilience, bouncing back in adverse situations.

> Integrity and Core Values, working with integrity & core values so that, they reflect in your work.

> Consistency, even when it gets hard, and you’re not seeing the results, keep going, keep showing up.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

One piece of advice would be, to always listen to your heart, it will always take you in the right direction. The road to your goal may be longer or even harder, but you must trust the divine plan.

Financial stability is important, so devise a roadmap that caters, to your financial needs as well as your passion.

Passion is something that will keep you awake at the middle of the night and you will not feel tired, whereas, financial stability will help you pay those bills, if you can, earn from your passion or even do a side gig from it, do it.

Deepa M Sarkar

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

The best part of my journey that keeps it exciting is my curious soul that always wants to learn new things and share that wisdom with my community. Also, seeing my community and my people thrive through whatever help I can offer them.

What value I can add to my programs, sessions or workshops always keeps me on my toes. Seeing my clients achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams is the most rewarding aspect that overshadows the monetary benefits.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Annameka A Mukerji | Entrepreneur | Coach | Spiritual Healer | Tarot Reader | Founder of Smart Communication Hub

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