Interview with Dr Kanika Sharma | Entrepreneur | Founder at Hapchi

Dr Kanika Sharma

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Dr Kanika Sharma, founder of Hapchi, for an exclusive interview with us. Lets learn more about her!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Dr. Kanika:

Could you please talk us through your background and journey?

I am a mompreneur who founded Hapchi out of my deep love for children. Growing up in a large, vibrant family, I’ve always had a passion for caring for kids. Although I loved writing and mathematics, those fields weren’t seen as viable career paths at the time, so I pursued medicine to fulfill my father’s wishes. However, deep down, I always felt that something was missing.

After working for a few years, I became a mother to my first child. It was a wonderful experience, but it also made me realize that I wanted to do something more meaningful.

The pivotal moment came when my son told me about a school session on good touch and bad touch. After thorough research, I realized there was a significant gap in available resources and awareness on the topic. That’s when I authored my first book on child safety, “BE SMART, BE SAFE.” This experience laid the groundwork for founding Hapchi.

Balancing work from home while expecting my second child wasn’t easy. I faced challenges and setbacks, but I persisted. I’ve learned never to give up on your dreams, to find fulfilment in your work, and to prioritise self-care alongside family responsibilities.

Building Hapchi has been a journey of ups and downs, but it has brought immense purpose and joy to my life. The opportunity to make a real impact on children’s lives fuels my passion every day. Through persistence and a deep commitment to child safety, I’ve learned that taking the first step toward your dreams is crucial. Though challenging, this journey has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m grateful for every moment that has led me here.

Dr Kanika

How did you discover your passion?

Discovering my passion was a gradual process. I always loved children and writing, but the turning point came when I authored my first book on child safety.

During that project, I felt a profound connection between my work and my personal values. Realizing that I could advocate for children’s safety and well-being through writing was incredibly empowering.

The positive feedback and the impact of my work on others fueled my passion even more. It became clear that this was more than just a job; it was my calling.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

My primary source of motivation comes from within. However, my children are also a significant source of inspiration. Their innocence, curiosity, and resilience constantly remind me why my work is so important.

I’m also deeply motivated by children who are suffering in silence. Knowing that I can make a difference in their lives keeps me going. I draw inspiration from figures like APJ Abdul Kalam, Ratan Tata, and Priyanka Chopra, whose achievements and dedication are incredibly inspiring. Their achievements and dedication are incredibly inspiring, even though my main drive comes from within.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

Several strategies have significantly contributed to my personal growth. First and foremost is persistence. There have been many tough times, but staying persistent has helped me push through.

Determination is key, as it keeps me focused on my goals. I also believe in accepting failures as part of the journey. Each failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Taking short breaks when needed helps me regain perspective and come back stronger.

Resilience and internal grit are also crucial. They help me stay grounded and focused, especially during tough times. Finally, learning from mistakes and facing challenges with a positive attitude is essential. Viewing challenges as part of the growth journey makes the process more fulfilling.

In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

For me, success is all about perseverance, resilience, and finding inner strength. It’s about refusing to give up, no matter how tough things get. I’ve learned that setbacks are just stepping stones and each challenge is an opportunity to grow.

Having the courage to face adversity head-on and the determination to stay true to your dreams are essential. Learning from mistakes is crucial; it’s how we evolve and improve. Above all, believing in yourself and your vision is paramount.

Confidence in your abilities fuels your journey, even during the most challenging times. These principles have been guiding lights for me, reminding me that with dedication and a positive mindset, anything is possible.

What advice would you give to our readers?

It’s often expected, especially for women, to set aside their dreams and prioritize their families. However, I’ve learned firsthand the power of persistence and never giving up.

If you have a dream or passion, hold onto it with unwavering determination. Challenges will come, and setbacks will happen, but each obstacle is a chance to grow stronger. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

A message to every Mom:

Do not let go of your dreams

Follow your passion and desires.

Taking the first step is what is required.

Do what makes you happy.

Love your family, but love yourself first.

It’s good to be a great mom, but it’s great to be a happy woman.

Do not fight with your thoughts; fight for yourself.

Do not doubt your capabilities; stand for yourself.

Do not let others decide your fate; speak for yourself.

Fight for it, achieve it, live it.

Because you deserve it!!!

I also want to remind everyone that children are our future, and they deserve our relentless pursuit of bettering ourselves and our world for their sake.

“The greatest gift you can give your child is to empower them for life.” – Dr. Kanika.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Dr Renu Goswami | Transformational Communication and Career Coach | Author | ICF Certified Life Coach | NLP | Public Speaker | TESOL

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