Interview with Ganesh S | Founder and CEO at

Ganesh S

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring to our community some of the finest stories from the entrepreneurship world. As part of this endeavour, we invited a passionate entrepreneur – Ganesh S for an exclusive interview with us. Ganesh is an Entrepreneur, Leader, E-commerce Expert, and Mentor. He is the Founder and CEO at Let’s learn more about his inspiring journey, his background and his advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Ganesh:

Talk us through your background and your journey as an entrepreneur, please;

I finished my schooling at DAV School, VTPS, and then moved to Solapur for further studies, where I earned an Engineering degree in Electronics from WIT, Solapur. Circuits, programming, and networks have always piqued my interest.

Because they were my favourite subjects, I decided to pursue a career in networking and security. I received my MS from Bits Pilani and began looking for ways to expand my knowledge and invent something. I’ve always wanted to make new inventions or discoveries since I was a child.

My parents used to encourage me to try new things, and I used to do some crazy experiments. This passion drove me to seek out opportunities to work in R&D units and I was fortunate enough to get those opportunities in all my career.”

Since I was a child, I’ve been inspired by my grandfather, who built a successful business from the ground up. I was inspired by him to create something that would benefit the people of India. I was always working on ideas, both technical and non-technical, and creating proofs-of-concept to better understand the effort and utility of the concept.

I am a frequent online shopper, but I have always preferred to try out a device before purchasing it. During one of my purchasing problems, I had to travel around Hyderabad to get a feel for the product before buying it. Try before you buy was born as a result of this. I had discussed this with some of my colleagues who shared similar entrepreneurial ambitions, and I was inspired to discover a solution for Experience and Instant Returns.”

I began researching the numerous companies that had already tried “Try and Buy” and their success factors, as well as those that had failed to succeed with “Try and Buy” and what had forced them to discontinue or suspend their operations.

With more clarity and the achievement of Tryitfirst’s alpha release, I realized this was the right time to jump into entrepreneurship and fully commit to Tryitfirst.

Ganesh S

What attracts you towards entrepreneurship instead of a corporate career?

I witnessed the business and how it affects people’s lives rather than working in a corporate environment where we don’t connect with the ground staff and are confined to our desks and cabins. My father was the driving force behind my startup company. My grandfather had created the business and my uncle took over the reins and expanded the company to several cities and horizontals.

My passion has always been to come up with a beneficial idea for the masses and to establish a brand for India as an innovator. Being an entrepreneur needs a great deal of courage, strength, teamwork, collaboration, networking, and passion. Thanks to my family for their unwavering support during this journey.

While still in college, I decided that sooner or later, I would embark on the path of entrepreneurship. We had missed the opportunity to establish a movie ticket booking service even before there was anyone offering at the time. But this time, I was not willing to pass up this chance to make a difference in society.”

‘’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

“Every Customer’s Satisfaction is Important”. Instead of just selling, excels at offering an experience.

Customers are mostly unsatisfied because the goods they ordered do not match the photographs exactly and are not as stated in reviews, blogs, or vlogs. It is also tainted with Fake/First copies, at times the delivery people replace them with garbage/stones. Customers also face a lot of discomforts if the goods they purchased stop running after the E-commerce company’s 10-day replacement window has expired, and they feel betrayed.

With our process and innovation for both technical and physical logistics, we are resolving the challenges that the e-commerce business is facing.

> Try Before You Buy: enables its consumers to try before they buy the latest smartphones, laptops, and accessories delivered to their doorstep, allowing them to purchase only those that suit and are suitable for them.

> 365 days replacement/repair:

Our customers do not need to be worried about product replacement since we offer replacement/repair for the entire manufacturer’s warranty period, which may range from 6 months to 3 years depending on the brand and model. For the replacement, our customers no longer need to contact the manufacturer’s customer support or visit their service centre. We will pick up the product and provide customers with a replacement or repair for their product with just one click for warranty returns!

> Purchase Assistance:

Our delivery representatives are very knowledgeable about the goods and can discuss the features and benefits of the products you’ve ordered. We configure products for Senior Citizens who might not be tech-savvy and make them ready to use.

> Distributed marketplace:

While we were getting things up and running, we continued to research the marketplace and came up with a novel notion of a distributed marketplace with proprietary inventory and logistics management, which is completely different from Amazon or Flipkart’s existing marketplaces.

Tryitfirst, which is currently only available in Hyderabad, has already made many consumers’ lives easier by making product purchases simple and providing high-quality service.

We can say with confidence that we conduct business by making our customers feel at ease. When compared to other competitors, the USP we have adopted makes customers feel special.”

What does your company specialize in?

We are an innovative Try and Buy commerce start-up with a unique selling point that benefits the Indian economy.

Tryitfirst is addressing this gap by developing a Distributed Marketplace platform where customers can experience free product trials, just like in a retail store, as well as the convenience of shopping and digital payment at delivery, similar to an online store, with fast delivery (1-day delivery)

Our solution is a platform that is available as a website as well as an app on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The solution includes the Propriety AI Model for Inventory Management, dubbed “Ghost Inventory,” which works to optimize trial resources and last-mile delivery for a successful trial.

During this COVID-19 crisis, what are the measures you have undertaken to continue your business without disruption?

When the company was established during COVID, every effort is made to ensure that the strategy was compatible with the pandemic’s problems.

~ Our business approach is based on a small, lean workforce with few resources and low overhead costs. We rely on technology to create a lean team with the least amount of effort.

~ The distributed marketplace concept will help us as well as the merchants who will be part of our journey.

~ To ensure as much automation as possible, every component of the organization is online and tech-enabled.

~ We take care of our staff, since they are the foundations of our success, having gotten us through the pandemic.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

The Ramayana and Mahabharata inspire me to keep going despite the difficulties and hurdles I meet on my journey. The desire to innovate and the motivation to complete the task are essential for progress.

“Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,

Ma Karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostvakarmani”

The verse from the Bhagavad Gita teaches me the road that I must take in order to continue working without worrying about the benefits. The outcomes are what motivate or demotivate us. And remaining detached from the outcomes allows me to continue doing my work with the same zeal and excitement.

We at Tryitfirst don’t just deliver orders; we also deliver an experience, personalized delivery, and the ability to buy the best.

What are the business mantras you have embraced as you sought to establish your success story?

Consider what you can do and how much better you can do it. You are your competition and don’t strive to compete with others because they each have their own strengths, and every one is unique, therefore beating them would be wrong.

Opportunity only comes around once, and we must seize it. We miss it once, and we may never get another chance.”

For me, the fundamental phrase is trust and honesty.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned building your startup?

“Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination,” says one. When I began the journey, I should consider what uniqueness I am adding to the present service and what value the customer or end-user would receive if they choose your solution over the existing one.

Consistent efforts and a highly motivated staff that shares the same vision as the company’s mission.

Treat all employees equally, regardless of the Department with which they work. One of the most essential goals of our success is to take care of our personnel.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

My family is my strength. My father was my brightest guiding light, inspiring me to do what is right and stand up for what I believe in. My mother and wife are my backbones in times of adversity, reminding me that I am a warrior and encouraging me to keep going.”

Not only do they motivate me, but they also show me the way when I am in a bind or trying to tackle a complex problem, as simple thought is required to solve the most complex of situations. My children remind me that they are watching me and that I am an inspiration to them, and this keeps me going.

Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing, what are the leadership traits that are necessary for success?

The ability to effectively lead is a critical aspect in determining the success, or failure, of entrepreneurial enterprises. Entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success by understanding and embracing what it takes to lead effectively.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

There are a few:

(1) Constantly Learn something new

(2) Never believe you can’t achieve anything.

(3) Making yourself available to everyone who requests for assistance.

(4) Taking measured risks in order to discover new possibilities.

(5) Being mindful

(6) Think outside the box. The most difficult thing to attain is simplicity.

(7) The most valuable assets are people and knowledge.

Ganesh S

In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

I will state unequivocally that there are several components, but if you must have the key elements, these are the ones that I consider to be the most important.

– A positive attitude toward the problem, with the faith that a solution will be found. “There is no lock without a key”

– Complete the task you pick up and see it through to completion, doing whatever it takes

– A desire to learn and innovate

– Accepting responsibility for my actions

– Speaking out for myself and dreams

– Being self-motivated

– Truthfulness and being trustworthy

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

A good career is a journey with many roadblocks, crossroads, potholes, speed limiters, and halts.

Always have a long-term goal and a short-term goal, and keep shifting the goalposts as you attain one.

Always put your enthusiasm for work first. If you are satisfied with your job and appreciate what you do, you should advance up the success ladder. Work-life balance is a critical component of any job, and it should never be underestimated because humans are social beings, not robots.

I don’t want to get into specifics because there is so much to say, but this conversation limits how much I can convey on this platform. Students and young professionals frequently contact me on LinkedIn with particular questions.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Akshay Wadhwa | Founder at Bluerickshaw

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