At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring some of the unique and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community of entrepreneurs, coaches, investors, management students and aspiring entrepreneurs. This week we invited Jaswanth Matam for an interview with us to know more about his inspiring journey. He is a passionate Entrepreneur, Thought Leader, Mentor & Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at HealthAnlytx. Let’s learn more about his entrepreneurial journey and the way forward!
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Jaswanth:
Talk us through your background and your journey as an entrepreneur, please;
I am a B.Tech Computer Science graduate from Amrita School of Engineering and Anirudh did his MBA from Aurora’s Business School. Both of us were part of the startup ecosystem for several years and worked for many Startups across various industries.
We both were colleagues in a healthcare startup, in Hyderabad. I used to be part of the product team and Anirudh used to manage their operations vertical. Having a combined experience of 10+ years into the Healthcare domain, we often sat after office hours and discussed customers’ pain points and flaws in the system that greeted a huge gap between people and access to good quality healthcare.
After thorough research, we understood that by analyzing an Individual’s health data (medical reports, lifestyle, his medical history) we could create better health paths through predictive health analysis. Based on this analysis we would be able to provide personalized healthcare that would enable Individuals to lead healthier lives.
This was our impetus while starting HealthAnlytx. We strongly believed that through analytics we could provide individuals, keen insights about their current health condition and predict their health risks. As a result, the individual would be able to take necessary precautions, benefit from early diagnosis and have a better treatment path. That’s why our tagline is Analytics for a healthier you!
It’s been almost 8 months since we started the company. COVID-19 did create some hurdles for us, but we decided to break these barriers. We’ve successfully developed new solutions to help our community fight COVID-19 and flatten the curve. Our team is continuously learning and working to create optimal health solutions for people all around the country.
Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a corporate career?
Anirudh and I wanted to make an impact. We’ve always felt the need to give back to society. Being in the healthcare industry we have the expertise and knowledge in the field. So, we decided to take it further by helping people understand their health better and take the necessary steps to be their healthiest selves. Even while doing our jobs we always used to know how the healthcare system could be made more efficient. But we wouldn’t be able to make these changes because our roles come with some limitations.
As entrepreneurs, we’ve had the freedom to take risks and achieve bigger results. We’ve been to define our goal clearly and create paths to achieve these goals. We aim to increase access to high-quality healthcare to all individuals across India. To make this goal a reality it was important to break free from our corporate careers and follow our passion.
What is your Business Mantra: Money or Emotions?
Be disciplined
Work hard
Be sincere
Willing to learn from mistakes
Be humble
Always ensure your customers are happy
If you follow above mantras, understand your customers’ needs and connect with them emotionally then money will automatically come.
How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?
When you do what you love, every hurdle is seen as a challenge that can help you learn and become better. It is important to see the problem from multiple perspectives and identify the best option based on your overall goals.
There will always be ups and downs in this journey and this is how you learn and become successful. All you need to do is to be motivated and focused.
Please share with us some of the challenges you faced in your journey
Trust us, the journey is full of challenges. All you need to do is to challenge life back!
The biggest challenge we faced within 4 months of starting HealthAnlytx is the pandemic. It hit us so badly! Not only us, but many other companies have also suffered a lot and are still suffering from it.
But we decided to take up this challenge. We understood the health needs of our people in the current situation and built innovative solutions to support their needs like
1 – Online prescription platform or Doctors where they can write e-prescriptions, sign them digitally and send it across to the patients at their convenience.
2 – Provide Laboratory information Management system for small and medium scale Diagnostics, Hospitals and other Medical centers for processing all kinds of lab test records of their Patients.
3 – Tele-Consultations for People whenever necessary.
We changed product plans, explored new possibilities and got ourselves back on track to help people fight this global crisis together.
When life throws lemons! You know what you need to do.
What has worked well for you so far?
We’ve got immense support from our families, team and industry experts who have helped us at every stage. After doing deep research through surveys and more, we were able to understand customer pain-points, technological advancements in the field, new healthcare techniques and much more.
We incorporate this research into our product planning and create solutions that can help people. In fact, we’re launching a new product next week and already some of the clients asking for it.
We have been helping people battle against the current Pandemic crisis by providing these services
1 – Doorstep collection of Covid-19 samples
2 – Doorstep Diagnostics services
3 – Home care services
We have been helping Private, Central and State government Organizations in conducting
1 – Covid-19 screening and testing camps at their Office premises
2 – Done 1500+ Covid-19 testing till date
3 – 5000+ people screened in our health camps
4 – 2000+ Doctor consultations
5 – We have been doing 50+ Covid-19 tests daily on an average
In your opinion what are the keys to success?
Success cannot be defined! Success depends on what your goal is and where you are headed.
We strongly believe that if you are doing good to people and love what you are doing, then success will come to you.
We would love to know your advice for all those starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur.
Everyone has an entrepreneur in them, you just need to believe in your dream and work hard every day to make that dream a reality.
Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing, what are the leadership traits that are necessary for success?
Always upgrade your skills
Be humble
Help your teammates
Be kind to people
Learn from your mistakes