Interview with Kashish Chugh | Counsellor | Aspiring Psychologist | Speaker | Mental Health Speaker and Coach | Founder and CEO of Mentify Foundation

Kashish Chugh

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Kashish Chugh for an exclusive interview with us. She is a Counsellor, Aspiring Psychologist, Speaker, Mental Health Speaker and Coach and Founder & CEO of Mentify Foundation. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Kashish:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the human mind and mental health. This passion led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Delhi University. Early in my journey, I understood that theory alone wouldn’t suffice.

Realizing the need for practical experience, I worked at various government and private institutes. These experiences have profoundly shaped my understanding and approach to mental health care.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt that this world needs more people who understand importance of mental health, where I began to share my knowledge and support others. This inspired me to embark on a public speaking journey. I’ve had the privilege of delivering guest lectures at esteemed institutions like Netaji Subhash University of Technology, the University of Delhi, Amity University etc.

Helping young adults grasp the importance of their mental health and well-being and guiding them with the right resources has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

As I immersed myself in the field of psychology, I couldn’t ignore the lingering stigma and lack of awareness surrounding mental health. This realization drove me to create Mentify Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a non-judgmental space for individuals to discuss their mental health issues. What started as a small initiative has blossomed into a supportive community of more than 500, bringing together people from all corners of the country to share their experiences and support each other. This wouldn’t have been possible without my board of directors.

Understanding that each person’s suffering is unique, I explored alternative healing methods and spirituality. I discovered a deep connection with energy healing and crystal healing, becoming a Reiki Healer and Tarot Card Reader. These practices have enriched my perspective on healing, providing diverse tools to help those in need.

Throughout my journey, I’ve come to realize that there is no single right or wrong approach to healing: mental health as well as physical health. What truly matters is making a positive impact in people’s lives while staying true to one’s values and ethics.

As I continue this journey, I am studying Masters of Counseling at Monash University, Australia, I remain dedicated to making a meaningful difference back in my home country as well as here, whether in therapy rooms, classrooms, public events, or any other setting where my skills and knowledge can be of service. I am committed to touching lives, fostering well-being, and spreading awareness about mental health, one step at a time.

Kashish Chugh

How did you discover your passion?

This has been a very personal journey. Since childhood, I’ve been the kid who was always appreciated for her performance in studies, her good behaviour, and keeping up with all the expectations of being a “good kid.”

But despite all the praise, I often felt people doubted my potential and questioned my worth beyond my achievements. These words planted seeds of insecurity, fear of abandonment, and constant self-doubt in my mind.

One day, I found myself asking, “Who am I without all my accomplishments?” This question marked the beginning of my journey into self-discovery. As I delved deeper into understanding my emotions and the reasons behind my insecurities, I realized the profound impact of mental health on overall well-being. This introspection sparked my interest in psychology, as I wanted to understand not only my mind but also help others facing similar struggles.

Through my own battles with self-doubt and insecurity, I learned the importance of validating emotions, being heard, and finding support. These experiences inspired me to pursue psychology to offer the understanding and help that I had needed. This realization solidified my passion for mental health and motivated me to dedicate my life to making a positive impact in this field.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

There isn’t just one thing that keeps me going during tough times: it’s a combination of several powerful factors.

Inner Motivation: Deep within me is a relentless drive to make a positive impact in the world. This motivation fuels my desire to help people understand that it’s okay to face challenges, and that they have the strength within them to overcome any  This aligns with my organization’s motto: “It’s okay, you can.” This purpose gives my life meaning and keeps me moving forward, even when the path gets difficult.

Family and Friends: To start with my parents and my sister have been the backbone although this journey. My family and friends are my lifeline. Their unwavering support and unconditional love have been my anchor through every storm. They’ve believed in me, lifted me when I was down, and given me the courage to pursue my  They have each added a feather to my wings, and only with their support could I fly. Knowing that I have them by my side, sharing their strength and love, makes all the difference.

Mentors: At every point in my life, whether in school or beyond, I have been fortunate to have the best people supporting me. My mentors have provided invaluable guidance and encouragement, helping me navigate challenges and grow both personally and Their wisdom and support have been instrumental in my journey.

Impact on Others: The people I have had the privilege to impact are my greatest inspiration. We often don’t realize the impact we’re creating until someone comes back and smiles at us with respect and every story of transformation, and every person who finds hope and healing because of my work, fills my heart with immense gratitude and joy. These moments remind me why I started this journey and motivate me to keep pushing forward.

These elements together create a tapestry of resilience, hope, and love that sustains me. They remind me that no matter how tough things get, I am not alone, and my work matters. This deeply emotional connection to my purpose, my loved ones, and those I serve keeps me going, one step at a time.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

The three most important lessons I have learned in my life are:

Perseverance and Faith: If you ever feel like you are about to give up, remember that God put that dream in your heart for a reason. No situation is worthy enough to take that away from you. Hold on to your dreams and keep pushing forward, knowing that there is a purpose behind your aspirations.

Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is crucial. Succeeding in your career is important, but if you fail in your relationships, then you are not truly winning. Winning people over with genuine connections and nurturing those relationships is essential. When you win at relationships, you win at life.

Mindset and Openness: More than 40% of the time, you live in your own mind, so make it a beautiful place to be. Cultivate a positive and open mindset. Avoid rigid thinking and be flexible in your approach to life. Understand that if someone’s thoughts or actions do not align with yours, it doesn’t mean they are wrong or you are right; it simply means they are different. Embrace diversity and move on with grace.

These lessons have guided me through my journey, helping me to stay focused, maintain harmony in my life, and foster a positive and open-minded perspective.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

In my opinion, the keys to success are:

Passion and Purpose: Identifying your true passion and aligning it with a meaningful purpose is essential. Since my early years, my fascination with the human mind and my desire to make a positive impact have driven me to pursue a career in psychology. This inner motivation, encapsulated in my organization’s motto, “It’s okay, you can,” has been a guiding force in my journey. When you are passionate about what you do, it fuels your perseverance, helping you overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals.

Support System: Success is rarely achieved in isolation. My family, friends and mentors have been my pillars of strength, offering unwavering support and encouragement. Their belief in me has been crucial, as the saying goes, “They have each added a feather to my wings, and only with their support could I fly.”

Building and nurturing strong relationships with those who believe in you and your dreams provides the emotional and practical support needed to navigate challenges and keep moving forward. Another would be to Embrace flexibility and understand that differing opinions and actions are not necessarily wrong, just different.

This openness fosters creativity, innovation, and adaptability, which are essential for success. Moreover, recognizing the impact of your actions often comes when people return to you with respect and gratitude, reinforcing the importance of your efforts.

These keys—passion and purpose, a strong support system, and a positive, open mindset—have been instrumental in my journey and continue to guide me towards achieving my goals and making a meaningful impact in the world.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

“My go-to words are passion and compassion; have both and you will win at life.”

For students and young professionals, this means aligning your career with what truly drives you while maintaining a genuine care for others. Take care of your physical and mental health.

Seek practical experience to bridge the gap between theory and reality, and build a strong support system of mentors, friends, and family. Embrace continuous learning to stay adaptable in a constantly evolving world. Balance your professional ambitions with personal well-being and cultivate a positive mindset to navigate life’s challenges.

Ultimately, aim to make a positive impact in others’ lives, as true success is measured not just by personal achievements but by the difference you make in the world.

Kashish Chugh

What do you think should be changed in the current scenario to make this world a better place to live in?

First, make this world a better place for yourself, then you’ll be able to do the same for others. Dream big, because with the resources available today, the sky’s the limit.

Always remember, nobody has walked in your shoes except you, so focus on becoming the person you aspire to be and shedding what you are not.

Seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support, as their experience can be invaluable on your journey. To improve things for others, avoid criticizing or looking down on them; we often know only a fraction of their lives. Stay grounded and humble.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Ashima Bedi | Mental Health Coach | Counsellor | Tarot Card Reader | Healer | Influencer

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