Interview with Ketaki Thanki | Wellness Counsellor | Founder at Towards A Better You

Ketaki Thanki

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Ketaki Thanki for an exclusive interview with us. She is an Entrepreneur, Coach, Counsellor, Wellness Consultant, Mentor, Artist, and Change Enabler. Ketaki is the Founder of Towards A Better You. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Ketaki:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I was born and raised in Goa. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration (BBA) in HR and gathered experience in the HR field.

However, I couldn’t connect with the corporate world because I’m a born artist. I love dancing, and I could feel a sense of release and connection with myself through dance.

Eventually, I gave up my typical corporate job to become a dance instructor, which I thought would be my calling. I finally gathered the courage to tell my family that I wanted to pursue my childhood dream of being a dancer and choreographer.

I come from an orthodox family, so of course, I did receive backlash for it. However, I kept my head down and got trained in Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, and Latin dance styles.”

I started working as a dance instructor, going from a corporate salary of Rs 15,000/- to Rs 2,500/- as my first dance instructor salary. That was how I started my instructor journey. I finally felt more alive and started actually living and loving my life.

My life felt like a movie, full of drama and passion. One year down the line, I didn’t feel content with what I was doing. So my friend and I introspected, and I realized I love listening to and helping people. And guess what, the Master’s degree had just started two years ago. Luckily, the degree was open to applicants from all streams.

I completed my Master’s in Wellness Counselling, and my life has never been the same. I evolved as a person in these two years. I found myself, and I am grateful to this day. No one in my family had ever dreamt of doing a Master’s, and it was definitely not in my plans either.”

Eventually, we graduated and started looking for jobs, either as school counsellors or assistant professors in colleges. Nothing was working out for me. Social media was booming at that point, and I used to share about mindfulness and gratitude on Instagram stories. Soon, one of my friends reached out and asked if we could create a page for people where I could share awareness about mental health and tips on taking care of our well-being.

One rainy day, we were sitting in the car, thinking of a name for the page. All I could think of was that it’s for the betterment of people, so “A Better You.” But then, it’s a journey of a better you, so “Towards A Better You.”

I knew in my gut that this was the start of something!

Ketaki Thanki

‘Towards A Better You’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

As I mentioned above, when I imagine people, I see them on a journey towards becoming a better version of themselves. When they come across us through any platform, be it social media, sessions, or workshops, the name already provides them with the reassurance of “Towards A Better You.” But here’s the catch: we want them to know that this first step starts with them, so it goes “Towards A Better You because Change begins with You.”

The second part of this is what we are trying to shift, one person at a time. You see, we have been taught to look for the problem in every situation, person, or place. But why can’t we acknowledge and accept the positive aspects? Or the strengths in situations?

Positive psychology works on the belief that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” where we incorporate a strength-based mindset in people instead of focusing on the lack.

Through this approach, I integrate different forms of therapy, such as music, dance, colour or art therapy, sound healing, reflection, mindfulness, and gratitude, making it a holistic model for individuals instead of just talk therapy.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

The challenges themselves keep me going. Have you tried to see it that way? The challenges are a sign that you are levelling up.

Apart from that, I have been blessed with mentors who have helped me connect with myself spiritually, connect with my life spiritually, and connect with the universe and higher beings.

Besides that, I have my family, my support system, who I can fall back on when in need. Majorly, I ask for HELP when I need it. I go to THERAPY when I need to.

Ketaki Thanki

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Connect with yourself: Connect with Yourself: Connect with Yourself  – That has to be the Mantra. It all starts from within. Your outer reality is a reflection of your internal self. So start connecting with your internal self and see how everything, literally everything, around you shifts.

Bring in the practice of Gratitude

Your family, Love them! Cherish them!

Learn to be as Authentic as possible

Go for Therapy as it definitely helps

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

1) Start celebrating yourself instead of beating yourself up!

2) Believe you are worthy of it all

3) Work on your beliefs

4) You don’t know everything! So stay humble always!

5) Gratitude

6) Empathy

7) Mindfulness

8) Consideration

9) Values

10) Exercise

11) Therapy

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Have a plan but also learn to go with the flow! You don’t have to have it all figured out.

In my workshops, I tell them that I look at it as creating choreography, where I add one step at a time. I was told this by my dad’s childhood friend, and I would love to pass it on to all of you reading this: “If you’re passionate about it, you have to be crazy about it.” That advice helped me take the plunge when things were uncertain.

When I felt overwhelmed, I accepted it instead of fighting or resisting it, which I learned through my therapy sessions.

Trust your gut! Always!

Ketaki Thanki

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

My perspective of looking at things as satisfying and exciting has always been there. Slowly and gradually, I had to teach myself, and I am still teaching myself, to be more present and content with reality.

I have promised myself that I’ll keep evolving and elevating. That intention sets the tone in my subconsciousness and consciousness and helps me to be in alignment with the universe.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Jimmy Devi Thokchom | Career Counselor | Parenting Coach | Corporate and Soft Skills Trainer | Public Speaker | Founder and Director at Your Future Star

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