Interview with Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry (Retired) | Veteran | Mentor | Certified Career Counsellor | Soft Skills Trainer

Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this, we invited Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry for an exclusive interview with us. He is an Army Veteran, Mentor, Certified Career Counsellor and Soft Skills Trainer. Let’s learn more about his incredible journey, background and advice for our growing community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Mr Sanjeev: 

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

Having completed Class XI from Modern School Barakhamba Road, where I represented my school in Gymnastics, Kho Kho, and Volleyball, I joined the National Defence Academy (NDA). I then joined the Indian Military Academy (IMA) in 1983 and passed out in June 1984 as a commissioned officer in the Regiment of Artillery.

I spent over 37 years in the Army in all types of terrain and operational environments, rising to the rank of Major General before retiring in 2021. I worked for a year in the corporate and am now the Chief Editor with the United Service Institution of India, the oldest think tank in the country.

Currently, I am also a freelance certified career counsellor and am learning soft skills from ICBI. I mentor economically weaker school-going and college children and contribute to running our school batch’s NGO, Ehsas 81. I am settled in Noida with my wife and am blessed with two children: an elder daughter who is a practising endodontist in Mumbai and a son who is an officer in the Indian Army.

Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry

How did you discover your passion?

My passion today is to lead a relaxing life and give back to society, in whatever manner. Also, I wish to keep myself fit and mentally engaged. I have revived my hobbies of philately and numismatics and spend some time indulging in nature photography.

I discovered my current passions through a combination of self-reflection and exploration. I took time to introspect and identify my interests, values, and strengths, considering activities that brought me joy and fulfilment and thinking about the skills and talents I possessed and which I could learn.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Despite the challenges, what keeps me going when things get tough is my persistence and determination. I believe that staying committed to my ideals, even in the face of adversity, is crucial to achieving success.

This persistence allows me to learn from my experiences, grow stronger, and ultimately become a better version of myself.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Embracing Change and Adaptability: Throughout my journey, I have learned that change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it was transitioning from school to the National Defence Academy, adapting to different terrains and operational environments in the Army, or shifting from a military career to the corporate sector and eventually becoming a certified career counsellor, I have come to understand the importance of being open to new opportunities and challenges. This adaptability has helped me grow both personally and professionally.

The Power of Perseverance and Resilience: My experiences in the Army, particularly during my time in the Regiment of Artillery, taught me the value of perseverance and resilience. I faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but I learned to push through them, stay focused on my goals, and continue to work towards achieving them. This resilience has been crucial in overcoming obstacles and staying motivated, even in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Giving Back to Society: As I have progressed in my life, I have come to realize the significance of giving back to society. Whether it is through mentoring economically weaker school-going and college children, contributing to our school batch’s NGO, Ehsas 81, or simply being a supportive member of my community, I have learned that helping others is an essential part of personal growth and fulfilment. This sense of responsibility to give back has brought me a deeper sense of purpose and happiness.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

In my opinion, the keys to success are multifaceted and can vary depending on individual goals and aspirations. I believe that success can be achieved by:

Passion and Commitment: Having a strong passion for one’s work and being committed to it can drive individuals to push beyond their limits and strive for excellence.

Perseverance and Resilience: The ability to recover from failures and setbacks, and to stay motivated despite challenges, is crucial for achieving success.

Influence and Networking: Building relationships and networks can provide access to valuable resources, guidance, and opportunities that can aid in achieving success.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Being open to change and willing to adapt to new situations can help individuals navigate unexpected challenges and stay on track towards their goals.

Integrity and Authenticity: Maintaining integrity, being true to oneself, and staying authentic can help individuals build trust, credibility, and a strong reputation, which are essential for long-term success.

Giving Back to Society: Contributing to the betterment of society through various means, such as mentoring or volunteering, can bring a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

It is essential to define what success means to everyone, as it can vary greatly from person to person. This definition should encompass not only material achievements but also personal growth, relationships, and contributions to society.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

As a career counsellor and retired army general, I would advise students and young professionals who want to have a successful career to follow these key principles:

Define Your Success: Identify what success means to you and set clear, measurable goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your career.

Take Initiative and Be Proactive: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; create them. Take risks, start new projects, and pitch new solutions to demonstrate your value.

Continuously Learn and Improve: Stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Be open to constructive feedback and willing to learn from others.

Communicate Effectively: Develop strong communication skills to effectively convey your ideas and progress to your managers and team.

Set Goals and Track Progress: Set short-term and long-term goals, break them down into actionable tasks, and regularly assess your progress to stay on track.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who have successful careers and can offer guidance and support. Build a strong professional and personal network to help you navigate challenges.

Embrace Failure and Perseverance: Understand that failure is a natural part of growth and success. Learn from your mistakes, and don’t be afraid to take risks and try again.

Stay Adaptable and Flexible: Be open to change and willing to adapt to new situations and challenges. This will help you stay competitive and relevant in your field.

Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of just talking about your abilities, demonstrate them through your actions and results. This will help you build trust and credibility with your managers and colleagues.

Prioritize Your Happiness and Fulfilment: Remember that career success is not just about achievements, but also about personal happiness and fulfilment. Make your own happiness a priority and take steps to achieve it.

Major General Sanjeev Chowdhry

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

Alignment with Personal Values: Throughout my career, I have made sure that my work aligns with my personal values. This alignment has given me a sense of purpose and meaning, which has contributed significantly to my job satisfaction and fulfilment.

Opportunities for Growth and Development: I have been fortunate to have had opportunities for career growth and advancement, which have kept me motivated and engaged. This growth has not only helped me professionally but also personally, as it has allowed me to develop new skills and take on new challenges.

Supportive and Challenging Work Environment: I have been part of a supportive, challenging and positive work environment, which has been crucial for my job satisfaction. This environment has enabled me to build strong relationships with colleagues and has provided me with the necessary resources to excel in my role.

Recognition and Appreciation: I have received recognition and appreciation for my work, which has boosted my morale and motivated me to perform at my best.

Personal Strengths and Accomplishments: Understanding my strengths and accomplishments has fostered a sense of achievement, which has contributed to my job satisfaction. This self-awareness has allowed me to focus on my strengths and build on them to achieve greater success.

Giving Back to Society: Contributing to the betterment of society through various means, such as mentoring and volunteering, has brought me a sense of fulfilment and purpose. This sense of giving back has been a significant factor in my overall job satisfaction and career fulfilment.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Major Meenakshi Malik | Army Veteran | Leader | Life and Busniess Coach | Soft Skills and POSH Trainer | Women Self Defence Consultant

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