Interview with Mitali Patel | Author | Certified Counselor | Energy Healer | Therapist | Life Coach | Influencer

Mitali Patel

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Mitali Patel for an exclusive interview with us. Mitali is a Author, Certified Counselor, Energy Healer, Therapist, Life Coach and an Influencer. Let’s learn more about her background, journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Mitali:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I have been in the field of Mental health for a decade now. I have focussed on all-round modalities of Mental health and Empowerment. I have started my career with being a School Counsellor where I have managed and created a healthy learning environment for students.

I have also made efforts to create a healthy relationship between the students, teachers and parents for the purpose of the all-round development of the students. My passion in learning first took to the lessons of biological sciences like Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Microbiology where I understood the biological processes and the surrounding environment.

Then I pursued my learnings in Social Work (M.S.W.) in order to understand how humans live with each other and how they affect each other and the environment. I was torrentially fascinated by the way a human was reacting to social life and its corresponding impacts on biological processes. I have been a Science lover throughout but through the course of life I have developed an inclination towards Spirituality.

And now my Life is completely run on the fact that Science and Spirituality are the same, just understood differently due to the experiences life offers to individuals. She saw and felt a gap between how people would react to the self and how they would react to society. There was a clear imbalance between human’s relation to the self and the surroundings.

Hence, I have moved further to the World of Alternate Medicine which focuses on the Power of the Self and Empowerment for the benefit of all. I have learnt that Life is divided majorly into seven segments – Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Financial and Self. To thrive in one’s life one must be able to balance these seven segments.

Further, I have learnt about mental health disorders and the Mind. I have created an umbrella of learning in order to reach a point where one is able to balance these segments of life.

My umbrella is made up of the following learnings:

> Counselling

> Clinical Hypnotherapy

> Meditation

> Reiki


> Crystal healing

> Pranic Healing

> Colour Therapy & Chakras

> Mindfulness


> Life Coaching

> Train the Trainer

> Brand Communication

> Aromatherapy

Now, I run an online and an offline platform in order to work on Sound Mental Health. I am a Published Poet, Blogger, and an Author. I have been published in newspapers like DNA, Gujarat Samachar, Sandesh, Ahmedabad Mirror, Dainik Bhaskar, Crime Bulletin, and Gandhinagar News for my work in the field of Mental Health.

I have an NGO named Carve Foundation where my focus on the empowerment of all. I understood that ultimately it is the Mind that needs to be worked upon. That is how my journey has been…….

Mitali Patel

How did you discover your passion?

Seeing through the sufferings of the Self and others I have discovered my passion for life and the purpose is HEALING. I became aware of the fact that not all humans are the same and so are their experiences in life.

And since the experiences are different, their way of coping with it are also different and different are the ways in which they become aware of such issues for the purpose of becoming mentally sound.

Hypnotherapy was the first therapy I have learnt becoming aware of the issues and their root causes. I also understood that not everyone has the same capacity and way to understand the self and others.

Some are logical and some are emotional, hence the way of dealing with them is also different. Further on, I have found myself inclined towards Energy Healing through Pranic Healing, Reiki, Crystal healing, and Meditation.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Life is not the same everyday, one day it is the Calm, Serene Life and another moment it is a Storm or a whirlpool of emotions. The fact that this is the same for all humans, they are all capable of coming out of the disturbances too, keeps her going no matter what the situation is.

For me, the most important thing is that everyone deserves to be Happy and Healthy and being Self-Empowered is the way to an Amazing Life.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

The first Lesson I have learnt that people are not their behaviours but they are their experiences. Experiences shape humans.

The second lesson is that “My surroundings are a reflection of Me. I am responsible for what happens to Me.”

The third lesson is “If you are not self-empowered and self-aware, you will always feel like a victim, making your life a big suffering.”

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

I believe in the following keys to Success:

1) Discipline

2) Time Management

3) Self-Awareness

4) Self-Love

5) Gratitude

6) Self-Empowerment

7) Mindfulness

8) Capability to Love and Accept Unconditionally

9) Clear Communication

10) Plan to Implement

11) Optimism

12) Harm None Attitude

13) Forgiving Attitude

14) Grit

15) Perseverance

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

The success of any career depends on the liking for that career. If I am passionate about my Career, My Success is a sure shot, but if I am pushing myself for a career under some pressure, it is going to be the worst decision of your life.

For Students, first, become aware of your Strong Subject and skill set. Polish those skills and move ahead in the same profession. If you are unaware of your strong subjects or skills, take career guidance counselling.

Young Professionals should have a keen interest in upgrading the self in all areas of life.

Life has various segments, make sure you give appropriate quality time to each.

Give time to the following for an Amazing Success:

– Set time for Meals, Eat Mindfully

– Give time for a physical workout (it can be 10 min or 1 hr)

– Quality time for the SELF

– Quality time for Family and Friends

– Meditate

Dream Big, Work Hard….

Everything will work in your best interest only if it you are interested in the field you work in.

Mitali Patel

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

Seeing the Clients Happy and Empowered is what makes my life the most satisfying. The Success of my clients is my Success.

When individuals, Couples, and groups achieve their Dreams, it is the happiest moment for Mitali as a therapist and a Life Coach.

Clients releasing their childhood trauma…

Clients creating healthy life patterns..

Breaking Dysfunctional family patterns…

A client achieved her dream job…

Another achieved the dream car…

One more created a happy relationship…

Students achieving their dream scores…

Students going to their dream University…

Empowering individuals to achieve their earning potential…

Individuals creating Healthy bodies, Losing Weight…

All the above and much more is what makes her Journey the most satisfying one.

What services do you offer and where?

Here are the offers following therapeutic and empowering services for individuals, couples, and groups:

– Hypnotherapy

– Counselling

– Reiki Healing

– Crystal Healing

– Tarot and Crystal card reading

– Chakra Healing

– Meditation

– Mindfulness

– Affirmations


– Life Coaching (Individual oriented – 6 months program)

I also offers online and offline courses for:

~ Usui Reiki Level I (Self-Healing), Level II (Healing others, Manifestation), and Master Level III (Crystals, Advanced healing techniques) certified by the International Reiki Organization

~ Crystal Healing

~ Chakra Awakening –  Mantra, Mudra, Meditation

~ Meditation (6 kinds of Meditation)

~ Zentangle and Mandala for Anxiety relief and de-stressing

~ Corporate Training

Services are provided both Online and Offline.

Follow Mitali At: 
Website –
LinkedIn –
E-mail[email protected]


Buy Mitali’s Book At: 
Amazon –


Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Priyansha Shankar | Intuitive Energy Healer | Spiritual Coach | Certified Tarot Reader | Influenencer

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