Interview with Nivedita Tanwar | Mentor | Author | Life Coach | Co-Founder and CEO at CoachingMInds LLP

Nivedita Tanwar

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited passionate entrepreneur Nivedita Tanwar for an interview with BrilliantRead Media. Nivedita is a Leader, Coach, Mentor, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Consultant and Change Enabler. She is the Co-Founder and CEO of CoachingMInds LLP. Let’s learn more about her background, inspiring journey, and advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Nivedita:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

Throughout my career, I’ve embarked on a multifaceted exploration, weaving through the realms of marketing, leadership, entrepreneurship, and personal development. Armed with a Masters in marketing management from NMIMS Mumbai, my journey led me to Fintech Communications, where I assumed the role of Director of Sales and Marketing within the dynamic marketing strategic team.

In this capacity, I played a pivotal role in orchestrating the design and implementation of holistic marketing strategies. Serving as a linchpin in the organization, our efforts were instrumental in shaping and executing comprehensive approaches that significantly influenced the company’s success. This experience has been a cornerstone in my professional evolution, allowing me to seamlessly integrate diverse aspects of business for impactful outcomes.

However, as I delved deeper into my role, I realized the profound impact that personal development and life coaching could have on individuals within the organization. This led me to pivot into the field of education and coaching.

Currently, I am the CEO and Co-Founder of my Life coaching company “CoachingMinds LLP” Singapore. And soon to be published author of a children’s book.

To sum it up my journey has evolved from driving organizational success through strategic marketing to facilitating the growth and fulfilment of individuals on a more personal level. As an educator and life coach, I seek to empower individuals with the skills and positive outlook necessary for personal success.

Nivedita Tanwar

How did you discover your passion as a ‘Coach’?

My coaching journey unfolded during my time as a teacher and educator in the vibrant educational landscape of Singapore. Guiding young minds through their growth and academic journeys, I discovered a deep-seated passion for more than just imparting knowledge.

Realizing the impact that personalized guidance could have on their personal development, I started incorporating coaching principles into my teaching process.”

At a personal level, I transitioned from an educator with coaching and professional development workshops and opportunities and eventually earned my certification as an International Leadership and management coach from the city and guilds London University.

What struck me most about coaching was its potential to empower individuals, it became a powerful tool and a holistic approach towards positive and mental growth and wellbeing.

The transition from educator to coach was a natural progression, driven by a heartfelt desire to make a lasting impact on individuals lives. It’s a journey that continues to be incredibly rewarding and I just want to inspire and empower others on their paths of growth and happiness.


How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

There’s an immense satisfaction that comes with seeing individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals and embark on a journey of personal growth. That motivates me to navigate challenges as a coach and keep facilitating positive change by working with different individuals.

At Coaching Minds, we strongly believe in building meaningful connections that plays a vital role in understanding their unique journeys, challenges and successes in turn fostering a shared sense of achievement. A commitment to continuous growth and learning serves as the very foundation of Coaching Minds.

The Reciprocity in these relationships energizes me, reinforcing the interconnected nature of our paths. In essence, what drives me is the intrinsic passion for transformative coaching moments. These elements drive me to navigate challenges with creativity, determination, and an unwavering dedication to the profound impact of coaching.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

Without a doubt, the biggest source of motivation in my daily life is my family, my husband Bhupender and my 18-year-old son Vihaan, who is soon venturing off to study law in the UK.

Their unwavering and steadfast support and encouragement have been a constant pillar, providing me with the strength to navigate both personal and professional challenges.

Particularly my husband Bhupender’s belief in my endeavors coupled with my own determination serves as a driving force, encouraging me to pursue my passion for coaching.

My family’s unwavering support shapes my perspective, reminding me that each day is an opportunity for growth, both personally and professionally.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

Several strategies have played a pivotal role in my personal growth journey:

1. Embracing continuous learning

2. Cultivating a growth mindset

3. Setting and reflecting on goals

4. Practicing self-compassion and embracing empathy.

5. Stepping outside comfort zones.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

In my view, several key factors contribute to achieving the right balance and success.

1. Resilience in the face of challenges

2. Continuous learning and adaptability

3. Effective communication skills

4. Adherence to values and ethics

5. Self-reflection and accountability

6. Emotional intelligence

How do you tailor your coaching approach to meet the unique needs and goals of each client? Can you provide an example of a customized coaching plan that yielded positive results?

At Coaching Minds our coaching programs are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment, engaging in open dialogue to understand our clients background, aspirations, and challenges. This initial phase allows us to build a personalized coaching plan that aligns with their specific needs.

An illustrative example involves a client who sought coaching for career transition. Through our bespoke coaching program, the “Millennial Success Accelerator”, it became evident that the clients primary goal was not just changing jobs but finding a role that aligned with their passion for social impact.

The program included targeted exercises to identify core values, strengths and areas of passion. Regular coaching sessions focused on building a strategic roadmap for career transition combined with mindfulness practices were incorporated to manage stress and foster resilience.

The client not only successfully transitioned to a role in the nonprofit sector but also reported a significant increase in job satisfaction and fulfilment. At Coaching Minds we as life coaches are committed in recognizing and celebrating the uniqueness of each and every individual journey.

Nivedita Tanwar

Last but not the least, what advice would you give to our readers?

“I cannot teach you anybody anything. I can only make them think” – Socrates.

As a life coach, I can only say this, as you navigate your journey prioritize your mental well-being and embrace personal growth as an integral part of your success. In the pursuit of your goals remember that success is not just about professional achievements but also about nurturing a resilient and healthy mind.

Take time to reflect, practice mindfulness and focus on self-care.

Each step you take towards personal growth contributes not only to your success but to a more fulfilling and balanced relationships.

Cherish the small victories, embrace the failures, learn from challenges, and cultivate a mindset that values your mental and emotional wellness. In this dynamic journey, your well-being is the compass that guides you to sustained success and a life of purpose

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Dr. Priti Yamdagni | Author | Leadership and Purpose Coach | Corporate Trainer | Podcaster

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
Note: If you have a similar story to share with our audience and would like to be featured on our online magazine, then please write to us at [email protected], we will review your story and extend an invitation to feature if it is worth publishing.
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