Interview with Pallavi Salgaocar | CA | Entrepreneur | Founder at Desserts N More Bakery

Pallavi Salgaocar

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Pallavi Salgaocar for an exclusive interview with us. Pallavi is a Chartered Accountant and the Finance Director of Geno Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. She’s also a first-generation Entrepreneur who started a bakery chain in Goa, ‘Desserts N More, ‘which operates through a network of self-operated shops, franchisees, express counters, and supermarkets. She’s also authored a cookbook, ‘Desserts First.’. Let’s learn more about her background, journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Pallavi:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I am a CA and Entrepreneur. In 2011, I wrote a cookbook, Desserts First, which ignited my passion for bakery products. Then, with the support of my Husband, we started a bakery division of our family-owned pharmaceutical company called Dainty Delights in 2014.

The division started retailing under the brand name Desserts N More. We set up a state-of-the-art FDA-compliant bakery to manufacture cakes, savouries, breads, cookies, and desserts.

While initially, it was a struggle to maintain our foothold in a highly competitive market through a journey of ups and downs, today our Bakery chain has 16 outlets—across the state of Goa and bordering Maharashtra: 8 self-operated Outlets, 3 Franchisees, and 5 Express Counters. Our cookies are also retailed across numerous supermarkets in the state.

Pallavi Salgaocar

How did you discover your passion?

My interest in baking was kindled when I stayed in Pune for 3 months after my marriage. I did a couple of short-term bakery courses there before returning to Goa.   

After the birth of my son, I started surfing the internet and doing my cooking experiments at home. That led to the start of my website,, which has various sweets and dessert recipes from around the world.

Further, I decided to get the recipes printed into a cookbook, ‘Desserts First’. The copies were retailed in bookstalls across the state. Today, the edition is sold out. Though my publisher had offered me to go for the next edition, I thought I had done what I wanted and had moved from writing to selling desserts and bakery products.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

My parents have been the most significant source of motivation in my life, especially my late mother, who is responsible for the person I am today. My husband is the strongest pillar of support, supporting me in everything I do, along with my son, who has been patient with me when I am busy with my never-ending office bearers’ duties.

A shout out to my supportive in-laws, too, especially my mother-in-law, who handles the home front, and Friends and family who have always stood by me.

I also adore my team at Desserts N More and, Last but not least, our loyal customers, without whom DNM would never have moved from strength to strength.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

a) Work hard- Work Smart; there is no replacement for hard work

b) When you are overwhelmed with work, prioritise depending on the urgency

c) Have a trusted team to whom you can delegate work.

d) Have that Me time for yourself and family and friends.

e) Practice digital detox at night.

f) Entrepreneurship is like running before a train – always have plan B ready.

g) Meditation, Exercise, and good eating habits help you to think better and work better.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Innovate – Keep yourself up-breasted on what is happening in your business and around you.

Pivot – My favourite word since COVID-19; if something doesn’t work, look out for other options and Pivot.

Listen to your body – If you are multi-tasking too much, intentionally slow down and smell the roses.

Learn from your failures in Life. Some things will never work out; take lessons from the experience and move on…

Pallavi Salgaocar

What advice would you give to our readers?

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make – makes you.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Richa Kapila | Entrepreneur | Public Speaker | Co-Founder and Creative Director at D’chica

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