Interview with Riya Gote | Personal Branding Coach | Writer | Motivational Speaker | Founder at Scriberlee

Riya Gote

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Riya Gote for an exclusive interview with us. She is an Award-winning Entrepreneur, Leader, Coach, Writer, Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Influencer and Change Enabler. Riya is the Founder of Scriberlee. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Riya:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My journey was marked by determination and resilience, which led me to achieve significant milestones. I started my career as a content writer after accepting an offer from an Indian company impressed by my writing skills on LinkedIn. Over time, I honed my craft and worked as a freelance content writer, serving both domestic and international clients.

In October 2020, my confidence received a major boost when I was featured in Forbes magazine. This recognition was a testament to my dedication and hard work in the field of content creation. My reputation continued to grow, and I gained recognition not just nationally but internationally as well. My work was featured in more than 70 international newspapers, further solidifying my position as an emerging entrepreneur and content creator.

In September 2022, I achieved another significant milestone in my journey when I was awarded the title of “Iron Lady of India” by MTTV India. This accolade was a testament to my resilience and determination to break barriers and succeed in the chosen path.

My dreams continued to unfold as I opened ny own firm in Singapore, Scriberlee, which specialized in digital marketing and branding services. My journey from dreaming of being a journalist to becoming a successful entrepreneur and content creator serves as an inspiration to many, especially women, to follow their aspirations and passions despite societal expectations and challenges. Although it was a bumpy start, I focused on 5C’s  – Clarity, Consistency, Confidence, Courage and Communication.

Riya Gote

How did you discover your passion?

I discovered my passion for content creation and writing during a pivotal period in my life. After returning to my home country due to changing government rules that disrupted the career plans in Singapore, I found myself at a crossroads. Despite the initial setback and disappointment, I decided to share my experiences and feelings on LinkedIn, writing an article about my trip to Singapore.

It was this act of sharing my thoughts and writing that led to a turning point in my life. When I posted the article on LinkedIn, an Indian company reached out to me and recognized my writing skills. They suggested that I should write content for them, and I readily accepted the opportunity, even though the pay was lower than what I had initially aimed for.

This experience ignited a spark within me. I realized that I had a special affinity for creating content and writing. Over time, I worked hard to develop my writing skills and pursued opportunities to write for various organizations. Despite facing setbacks and challenges along the way, I persisted in my pursuit of content creation, eventually turning it into a successful career as a freelance content writer and later as the founder of my own company, Scriberlee.

So, I discovered my passion for writing and content creation through my own journey of self-expression and seizing opportunities that came my way, even when they were unexpected or different from the original career aspirations.

Your approach to personal branding coaching seems to encompass a variety of methods, including 1-on-1 coaching, group workshops, online resources, and speaking engagements. Can you share more about it?

1-on-1 Coaching: My coaching approach is highly personalized, focusing on your unique goals and needs. In our 1-on-1 sessions, we dive deep into your personal branding journey, addressing specific challenges and opportunities that you encounter. This tailored approach ensures that you receive individualized guidance and strategies to excel in your career.

Group Workshops: Engaging in interactive group workshops provides a dynamic learning environment where you can learn from and connect with like-minded individuals. These workshops foster collaboration, allowing you to gain insights from diverse perspectives. It’s an opportunity to refine your personal branding skills while building a network of supportive peers.

Online Resources: I understand the importance of readily accessible resources in your personal branding efforts. That’s why I offer a wealth of valuable online resources, including articles, videos, and templates. These resources serve as valuable tools to supplement your learning and enhance your personal branding journey, regardless of your location or schedule.

Speaking Engagements: If you’re looking to inspire and educate your audience on the power of personal branding, consider inviting me to speak at your event or organization. I bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience to my speaking engagements, offering valuable insights and practical strategies that can empower individuals to take control of their personal brand and career success.

Whether you prefer personalized coaching, the collaborative environment of group workshops, access to online resources, or the impact of a speaking engagement, I’m here to support your personal branding journey. My mission is to empower you to unlock your full potential and achieve your career aspirations through effective personal branding.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Riya’s journey is fuelled by several driving forces that have kept her going despite the numerous challenges she has faced. These motivating factors include:

Passion: My passion for writing and content creation is a significant driving force in her life. I found joy and fulfilment in creating content, and this passion has been a constant source of motivation, allowing me to persevere through difficulties.

Resilience: Ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures is a testament to my resilience. I have encountered obstacles and disappointments in my career but has consistently demonstrated the strength to overcome them and continue pursuing my goals.

Faith and Belief: My faith and abilities have been a crucial driving factor. I firmly believes in my potential and my capacity to achieve the dreams, which gives me the confidence to keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity.

Positive Mindset: My positive mindset is reflected in my belief that “Positivity is a superpower.” I understands that maintaining a positive outlook can help navigate challenges more effectively and find opportunities in adversity.

Desire to Inspire: My journey has inspired others, especially women, to follow their aspirations and passions. I am motivated by the desire to be a role model and empower women to pursue their dreams despite societal expectations and obstacles.

Continuous Learning: My journey has taught me the importance of learning and adapting. I am driven by the desire to keep improving my skills and knowledge, which has allowed me to evolve and grow in her career.

Achievement of Milestones: The recognition and achievements in my career, such as being featured in Forbes and awarded the title of “Iron Lady of India,” serve as milestones that motivate me to keep pushing forward and setting new goals for herself.

Riya Gote

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

While the journey has been marked by numerous sources of motivation and inspiration, one individual who has played a significant role in motivating me in  daily life is Priyanka Chopra. Priyanka Chopra is a renowned Indian actress, producer, and global icon known for her achievements in the entertainment industry, as well as her advocacy for women’s empowerment and social causes. There are several reasons why Priyanka Chopra has been a source of motivation for me:

Success Across Borders: Priyanka Chopra’s success transcends national boundaries. She has not only achieved stardom in the Indian film industry but has also made a successful transition to Hollywood. This international success serves as a reminder to Riya that talent, determination, and hard work can open doors to opportunities on a global scale.

Breaking Stereotypes: Priyanka Chopra has broken stereotypes in both her career and personal life. She has challenged traditional gender norms and has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. Riya, like many other women, is inspired by Priyanka’s ability to shatter barriers and pave the way for women in male-dominated industries.

Resilience: Priyanka Chopra’s journey has had its share of challenges and setbacks, but she has consistently displayed resilience and determination. Riya finds motivation in Priyanka’s ability to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward, no matter the circumstances.

Role Model: Priyanka Chopra serves as a role model for countless individuals, particularly women, who aspire to achieve greatness in their chosen fields. Riya sees Priyanka as a shining example of what can be accomplished through hard work, talent, and a commitment to one’s goals.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?

My personal growth has been fuelled by several strategies and approaches that have played a crucial role in shaping my journey:

Adaptability: I am adaptable and open to change. I have demonstrated the flexibility to pivot my career path and embrace new opportunities as they arise. This adaptability has allowed me to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing professional landscape.

Networking and Relationships: Building strong relationships and networks has been vital for my growth. I value connections with mentors, peers, and clients who have provided guidance, support, and opportunities throughout my career.

Giving Back: I believe in giving back to the community and empowering others. My commitment to inspiring women and encouraging them to follow their aspirations has not only contributed to my personal growth but has also made a positive impact on others.

Self-Reflection: Regular self-reflection and introspection have allowed me to assess my progress, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to my path.

Embracing Change: I understand that change is a natural part of life and growth. I embrace change as an opportunity for personal development and adapts accordingly.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Self-belief and self-confidence are indeed essential components of success, and they play a crucial role in an individual’s journey toward achieving their goals. However, success is a multifaceted concept, and there are several keys that can contribute to it.

What are your further plans?

Along with being an entrepreneur and motivational speaker, I am also a personal branding coach. My mission is to empower individuals to achieve their career aspirations and stand out in a competitive job market. Through my recently launched course, I offer a comprehensive approach to help students land their dream jobs and build a unique personal brand.

In this course, I cover a range of essential topics that are fundamental to career success. We delve into the intricacies of LinkedIn optimization, resume writing, crafting compelling email and cover letters, mastering interview skills, and ultimately, how to distinguish oneself in a crowded job market.

What sets my course apart is the holistic approach it takes towards personal branding. I firmly believe that your personal brand is an authentic representation of your strengths, values, and passions. We start by helping students discover their unique brand identity, ensuring that it authentically reflects who they are.

Riya Gote

What advice would you give to our readers?

Self-belief is the foundation of personal growth and achievement. Have faith in your abilities, talents, and potential. Believe that you can overcome challenges and work toward your dreams. When you believe in yourself, you empower yourself to take on new opportunities and face adversity with confidence.

Trust is a precious commodity in personal and professional relationships. Never break anyone’s trust, as it can be challenging to rebuild once lost. Honesty, reliability, and integrity are qualities that help foster trust with others. Trustworthy individuals tend to enjoy better relationships and opportunities.

Failure is not the end but a stepping stone on the path to success. Everyone faces setbacks and failures in life. Instead of being discouraged by them, view failures as valuable learning experiences. Learn from your mistakes, adapt, and keep moving forward. Resilience in the face of failure is often the key to long-term success.

Self-confidence is a superpower. Once you start believing in yourself the magic starts happening. Open your wings and fly high.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

In my journey so far, several aspects contribute to its satisfaction and excitement:

Passion and Purpose: My journey is deeply satisfying because I found my true passion and purpose in life. Writing and content creation bring me joy and fulfilment, making my daily work exciting and meaningful.

Resilience and Growth: Overcoming challenges and setbacks along the way adds excitement to the journey. Ability to bounce back and grow from these experiences keeps me engaged and eager to see what I can achieve next.

Recognition and Achievements: Achieving milestones like being featured in Forbes, receiving the “Iron Lady of India” award, and founding my own company in Singapore are sources of immense satisfaction. These accomplishments validate the hard work and dedication.

Inspiring Others: Knowing that my journey serves as an inspiration to others, especially women, adds an extra layer of satisfaction. My ability to empower and motivate others through my story is rewarding.

Positive Impact: My work as a content creator and motivational speaker allows me to make a positive impact on individuals and organizations. This sense of contribution to the world adds depth and fulfilment to my journey.

Independence and Entrepreneurship: Being the founder of my own company, Scriberlee, adds excitement to my journey. Entrepreneurship offers a unique set of challenges and rewards, and I relishe the opportunity to shape my own path.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Barkha Singh | Mentor | Personality Enhancement Coach | Image Consultant | Soft Skills Trainer | Personal Stylist | Corporate Trainer | Founder at The Barkha Singh

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