Interview with Rupsha Mukherjee | Entrepreneur | Founder at Galanto Innovations

Rupsha Mukherjee

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited Rupsha Mukherjee for an interview with BrilliantRead Media. She is an Entrepreneur and Founder of Galanto Innovations. Let’s learn more about her background, her inspiring journey so far and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Rupsha:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My journey began with a deep interest in Biomedical Engineering during my undergraduate studies at NIT Raipur, where I emerged as a Silver medalist. I pursued my MTech degree in Biological Engineering from IIT Gandhinagar in 2020. My passion for research led me to multiple projects in Biomedical Engineering during my B-Tech sophomore year.

I was honoured with the Khorana Scholarship in 2019, allowing me to work as a Research Assistant at Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA and published an article in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


I have published six scientific articles, a book chapter, and a patent. Post my Master’s, I founded Galanto Innovations Pvt Ltd in 2021, focusing on developing advanced rehabilitation technologies. Our flagship product, the RehabRelive Glove, is a virtual hand rehabilitation system aimed at accelerating recovery for patients with hand disabilities. Galanto’s mission is to transform the rehabilitation sector in India by creating affordable, accessible, and effective rehabilitation products.

Post my Master’s, I founded Galanto Innovations Pvt Ltd in 2021, focusing on developing advanced rehabilitation technologies. Our flagship product, the RehabRelive Glove, is a virtual hand rehabilitation system aimed at accelerating recovery for patients with hand disabilities. My mission is to transform the rehabilitation sector in India by creating affordable, accessible, and effective rehabilitation products.

Rupsha Mukherjee

How did you discover your passion? 

My passion for Biomedical Engineering and rehabilitation technologies was sparked during my undergraduate studies. Working on various projects and seeing the tangible impact of engineering solutions on healthcare inspired me deeply.

The pivotal moment was witnessing our technology helping patients with hand disability to regain their movement, thus bringing hope and independence to individuals, which exposed me and my team to cutting-edge research leading to innovative technologies. This experience solidified my desire to make a significant impact in the rehabilitation sector.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Several factors keep me motivated during tough times.

Firstly, the potential to positively impact patients’ lives through innovative rehabilitation solutions drives me. Knowing that our work can significantly improve someone’s quality of life is incredibly fulfilling.

Secondly, the support from my team and mentors provides the necessary encouragement and perspective.

Lastly, the progress and milestones achieved, no matter how small, serve as constant reminders of the value and importance of our mission.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Persistence is Key: Success often requires enduring through challenges and setbacks. Consistency and determination are crucial.

Collaboration and Networking: Building strong professional relationships and collaborating with others can open doors to new opportunities and provide invaluable support.

Adaptability and Continuous Learning: Staying flexible and continuously updating my knowledge and skills have been vital in navigating the dynamic field of healthcare technology.

Rupsha Mukherjee

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

The keys to success, in my opinion, include:

> Passion and Dedication: Genuine interest and commitment to your work drive long-term success.

> Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Staying updated with the latest knowledge and being flexible to change ensures you remain relevant and effective.

> Resilience and Persistence: Overcoming obstacles and maintaining focus on your goals, despite setbacks, is crucial for achieving success.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

I would advise students and young professionals to:

1) Follow Your Passion: Choose a career path that truly excites and motivates you.

2) Seek Knowledge and Experience: Gain as much practical experience as possible and stay curious. Internships, research projects, and continuous learning are invaluable.

3) Be your own boss: Remove the concept of “Chalega!” from your life. Take responsibility for your task and give 100% performance.

4) Embrace Challenges: Come out of your comfort zone. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Persistence and resilience are essential traits for success.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

What makes my journey satisfying and exciting is the tangible impact of our work on patients’ lives. Developing the RehabRelive and witnessing its positive effects on individuals with hand disabilities is immensely fulfilling.

The journey of transforming innovative ideas into real-world solutions and seeing the difference they make is a continual source of excitement and satisfaction. Despite decades of research on hand rehab in India, we feel very proud that RehabRelive is India’s first VR-based rehabilitation system registered under the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), India, and is now available on Amazon and Medzell.

Our research article on post-traumatic injury patients had shown 2 times faster recovery and is selected as features articles as well as the front covers page of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering journal.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Chitra Singh | Founder and Chief Mentor at SalesWomentoring

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
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