Interview with Scheherazade Sandhu | Certified Law of Attraction Coach | Influencer

Scheherazade Sandhu

At Brilliant Read Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited Scheherazade Sandhu for an interview with Brilliant Read Media. To say further, Scheherazade is a Certified Law of Attraction Coach and an Influencer. Let’s learn more about her background, her inspiring journey so far and her advice for our growing community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Scheherazade:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I did Master’s in Law and then worked as a Legal Researcher for a Justice at the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, during which I realized that I have a more creative bent of mind and therefore started making hand-finished wall plates which did so well that I even started shipping them to other countries.

Soon, I had some personal turbulence which made me turn towards The Law of Attraction and that worked magically for me. After using The Law for a few of my problems successfully, I decided to get a Certification for it, which I did, from California in 2022. So, now I am a Certified Law of Attraction Coach along with a Master of Law.

My journey started with creating the first ever fully-guided Manifestation Journals in the global market which are on various topics like Money, Health, Love etc. which have helped over 15,000 people till date to get exactly what they want and start living their dream life.

Scheherazade Sandhu

How did you discover your passion? 

In 2021, my back muscles got so weak that I could not even sit for 2 minutes by the watch and having got no answers from any MRI, X-ray or doctors, I decided to try and self-heal through manifestation. From being on the bed for 2 months, manifestation helped me get back to my life in 1 week and therefore I decided to test this Law a little more before I was convinced, so I cured my acne bouts with it and also doubled my income through the same process.

The magic shocked me and I couldn’t keep it to myself as I instantly thought of all the problems people go through and felt that they all could end their misery in the same way that I did and hence I decided to create Manifestation journals which would help people solve specific problems in their life.

I soon had queries pouring in and the more I helped people with getting their dream jobs, losing weight, healing cysts, getting married, getting good grades, conceiving children, curing cancer and regenerating their liver, I realized that this had become my passion and my heart now yearns to be able to help every single person who is going through the slightest or biggest problem, as I know that everything can be manifested and solved.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

When I read my followers give me the choicest of blessings and say words, it instantly gives me the courage to keep working. They say things like- “You have changed our life.

You are an angel. You are our only motivation. We instantly come to your page when we are low. You have saved us.” Reading all this makes me never want to stop because even helping one person can be a long-lasting feeling for a person, but here I am helping multiple people everyday.

Can you share some of the areas in which you have helped people? 

There isn’t any area that I must not have helped in, but I can share a few:

1)Doctors had told some of my clients that they couldn’t conceive at all, but through my journal they did.

2)A doctor told my client their son can never walk properly- he is running around now.

3)Many people got married to their partner because their parents finally agreed thanks to my journal.

4)I have helped 4 people cure Cancer.

5)My clients got into their dream colleges as well.

6)Weight loss

7)My clients have left anxiety pills and become happy people

8)Autism parents have seen amazing changes in their children.

9)People have got job promotions and dream jobs as well.

10) People have travelled to dream destinations for vacations

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

1) Be kinder to people because everyone is going through their own journey which could have it’s own challenges.

2) Just because someone is not asking for help, doesn’t mean that they don’t need it.

3)Always be a giver, you’ll be a happier person. When I discovered this magic, I could have simply used it to make my own life better, instead, I decided to spread the magic and help others and this gives me happiness every single day when I read new reviews of my clients.

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

Success for me is when whatever you’re doing is keeping you happy. You could be earning 20 lakhs a month and still not be happy with your life.

On the other hand, you could be selling handmade products, giving you 20,000 and you could still be the most satisfied person on the block. So, true success is when you’re enjoying the work you do because if you enjoy it, you’ll surely put in your all and that will ultimately make you achieve more for sure.

Scheherazade Sandhu

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

Do what makes you happy. Do something you can spend late nights working on. I know that not everyone can follow their passion, but while doing work that you have to do, try to save enough money so that you can start following your own passion soon enough. Where there’s a will there is always a way.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

The way my clients praise my work, my personality and my journals, I feel like the most blessed person ever. The way they wait for me to respond to them or to come live on Instagram or for my next reel, I get excited to do more for them and to never stop doing it.

When you know you are making someone smile or when you know you could be someone’s only hope, you want to do whatever you can, to not let them down. I have seen myself get emotionally involved in so many concerns of my clients that I work harder to help them better and when they get the results they were hoping for, I get my biggest high.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Ritu Roy | Author | Wellness and Life Coach | Motivational Speaker | Influencer

BrilliantRead is committed to bringing stories from the startup ecosystem, stories that reshape our perspective, add value to our community and be a constant source of motivation not just for our community but also for the whole ecosystem of entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals.
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