Interview with Shuchita Dua | Psychologist | Family Therapist | Emotional Intelligence Coach | Clinical Intervention Design Specialist | Founder at Aariv Infinite

Shuchita Dua

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Shuchita Dua for an exclusive interview with us. Shuchita is a Leader, Entrepreneur, Psychologist, Coach, Mentor and Change Enabler. She is the Founder of Aariv Infinite. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Shuchita:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I’m a dedicated Psychologist, Family Therapist, and Reiki practitioner with over 15 years of experience. My professional journey has taken me through multiple clinical settings, giving me the honour and privilege to work with children, adults, families, and neurodevelopmental families alike.

I started Aariv Infinite in March 2023, and in less than 8 months, I’ve built a successful Six-Figure Online Mental Health Therapy Clinic.

My approach is client-centred and integrates strength-based, evidence-based techniques with complementary healing methods.”

Our motto, “client first” and our commitment to holistic healing, has won us prestigious accolades, including the ‘Innovation in Mental Health’ award at India’s Best Doctors 2024 Awards and recognition at the CREA Global Awards 2024 as a psychologist and mental strength coach.

Through the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and realised that while situations may be similar, each person’s circumstances are unique. There isn’t a single “right way” to solve problems; it’s about finding the best way forward based on your personal circumstances.

Your story is unique, and so is your healing journey! I support my clients by combining the best strength-based, evidence-based techniques with complementary healing. By understanding the client’s strengths and energy flow, we can achieve balance and harmony and bring a lifelong sustained transition in their life.

On a personal note, I’m a single parent to my incredible 6-year-old son, Aariv. His resilience and emotional intelligence inspire me every day. My life is deeply influenced by spirituality and the teachings of Shiva. In my free time, I enjoy reading and cooking. Building Aariv Infinite has been a testament to the power of dedication and the pursuit of dreams.

Shuchita Dua

‘Aariv Infinite’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

“Aariv Infinite” is a name that holds deep significance for me. “Aariv,” my son’s name, is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “knowledge” or “wisdom,” symbolizing our commitment to understanding and growth. “Infinite” represents the limitless potential of the human mind. Together, Aariv Infinite stands for the endless possibilities that lie within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.

At Aariv Infinite, we address a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges. Our core program, re.program®, is designed to help individuals overcome struggles such as anxiety, stress, relationship challenges, and healing from divorce and past trauma. We focus on transforming limiting beliefs, building resilience, and fostering emotional well-being.

What sets us apart is our integration of the best therapy techniques with a personalized approach and a focus on healing the mind, body, and soul. We are pioneers in not only mental strength training but also successfully combining complementary therapy techniques with progressive positive psychology methods.

Our commitment to client healing extends beyond therapy. Aariv Infinite offers a variety of self-improvement digital tools,  blog articles on relationships, self-improvement, and emotional wellness.

We conduct workshops, and talks, provide clinical supervision to young budding psychologists and collaborate on various mental health topics. By providing evidence-based solutions and personalized support, we aim to empower individuals to live fulfilling, balanced lives.

How does the integration of evidence-based positive psychology techniques with complementary therapy like Reiki healing work together?

Honestly, I don’t believe in a purely symptomatic approach or labelling people. It’s essential to understand that an anxiety-provoking environment, whether at home or in the outside world, will naturally provoke anxiety. The same goes for anger and frustration; if you can’t manage a relationship, situation, or your thoughts, you’re bound to experience negative emotions. Treating anxiety or anger symptomatically will only lead to short-term relief.

Instead, together in therapy, we focus on understanding your triggers and what is happening in your life. This awareness helps you regain control and power to bring about meaningful change.

Integrating the power of Reiki to balance emotional energies and alleviate physical pain, I only work towards easing your journey, allowing you to stay strong and committed to the therapeutic process. This holistic approach fosters faster and more profound changes in yourself, your relationships, and your overall life and in times less than standard therapy programs.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough? 

The desire to make an honest impact, see true happiness, and help people live fulfilled lives fuels me and resilience is at the heart of what keeps me going. The desire to show people that the power to overcome challenges lies within their minds drives me forward.

I believe in leading by example, demonstrating that it’s possible to rise above difficulties and emerge stronger. It’s not just about finding happiness in relationships, but also about cultivating happiness within oneself. Isn’t that the true purpose of our human journey too?

Keeping faith and staying true to my mission of helping others tap into their potential is incredibly motivating.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Self-Love: Understanding and valuing yourself is crucial. I learned this lesson the hard way during a particularly challenging time in my life. I was juggling numerous responsibilities and constantly putting others first until I reached a breaking point. Taking a step back to focus on my own well-being transformed my life. It taught me that self-love isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. It’s the foundation for all other relationships and endeavours.

Knowing Your Priorities: Life can be overwhelming, but knowing what truly matters helps you stay focused and  I remember a period when I was so consumed with work that I missed out on so much of my health. Since then, I’ve made it a point to prioritize what truly matters, and it has brought much-needed balance to my life.

Being Dedicated yet Knowing When to Walk Away: Commitment is important, but so is recognizing your worth and having the courage to step away from situations that no longer serve you. I once stayed in a professional relationship that was draining my energy because I felt obligated to make it work.

Eventually, I realized that my dedication should not come at the expense of my self-respect and well-being. Walking away was difficult, but it was the best decision for my personal and professional growth. It reinforced the importance of setting boundaries and knowing when to let go.

In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

Integrity and honesty are the cornerstones of true success. Being upfront about what you can and can’t do can be challenging, but it builds a foundation of trust. It’s important to value transparency in even professional relationships.

Staying grounded and humble is essential too. Receiving awards like the ‘Innovation in Mental Health’ was a proud moment, but it also reminded me to remain humble and grateful. Success can be fleeting, so it’s important to appreciate the journey and the people who support you along the way.

Also, learning from mistakes is an invaluable part of growth. I’ve faced many setbacks and challenges, but each one taught me something new. It’s easy to get disheartened, but these experiences often provide the best lessons.

Finally, without sharing knowledge and helping others grow, you can’t truly succeed. And if you are particularly in the field of ever-growing and changing psychology, continuous learning also has to be pivotal. You cannot believe and rely on a “I-know-it-all” attitude.

Investing time in additional certifications and staying updated with the latest research is crucial. It not only enhances your skills but also allows you to provide the best possible support to your clients.

Shuchita Dua

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career? 

I have three key pieces of advice, actually:

Never Say Never and Compete Only with Yourself: Focus on your personal growth and set your own standards for success. Competing with others can be exhausting and unproductive. Strive to be better than you were.

Integrity in Your Actions and Gestures: Integrity is crucial in everything you do. Always be genuine and ethical in your interactions. Remember, what goes around comes around, so maintain honesty and authenticity in all your dealings.

Be Resilient and Embrace Failures: Resilience is key to overcoming challenges. Don’t be afraid of failures or setbacks; they are your greatest teachers. Have the courage to restart your life no matter how many times it takes. Your biggest lessons come from your own experiences, so learn from them and be grateful for the growth they bring.

What about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting? 

What makes my journey truly satisfying and exciting is the ability to live life on my own terms. Having the self-respect to walk away when necessary and the courage to restart my life, time and time again, has been incredibly empowering. I refuse to be a slave to others’ egos or personal insecurities.

This is the essence of what I want my clients to learn: being true to yourself, setting healthy boundaries, and understanding your insecurities and fears. By turning these challenges into strengths and healing from the inside out, you find true purpose in life.

Never shy away from working on yourself. The most rewarding part of my journey is seeing my clients embrace this philosophy, transform their lives, and achieve lasting well-being.”

What do you believe are the most common misconceptions about therapy and mental health, and how do you address them with your clients?

One of the most common misconceptions is that therapy is a lifelong commitment. In reality, your actual journey begins outside of therapy.

My role is to help you prepare and become independent enough to take on this journey confidently. I work with my clients to identify gaps and set clear self-growth or relationship-linked goals. This way, we can continually evaluate progress and celebrate milestones together.

Therapy is a tool to empower you, not a crutch you need forever.


Last but not least, How can someone connect with you? 

Connecting with me is simple and convenient. You can visit my website to learn more about my services and book a consultation. I’m also active on Instagram, where I share insights, tips, and updates about marriage & divorce counselling, relationship success & healing.

Feel free to follow me and reach out via direct message for any questions or to schedule a session.

My goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to start your journey toward emotional well-being and mental strength.


Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Ruchi Lahoti | Personality Development, Etiquette and Confidence Coach | Founder and CEO at Indian School of Excellence

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