Interview with Soma Chatterjee | Leader | Reiki Grandmaster | Energy Healer and Happiness Life Coach | Founder at Inner Wisdom Light  

Soma Chatterjee

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Soma Chatterjee for an exclusive interview with us. Soma is a Leader, Reiki Grandmaster, Energy Healer and Happiness Life Coach. She is the Founder of Inner Wisdom Light. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Soma:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I am an energy healer and teacher, specializing in Holy Fire III Reiki and many other energy healing modalities. I am also a Tarot reader, Happiness life coach and founder of the wellness platform – Inner Wisdom Light.

It may be interesting for you to know that I am an MBA in Marketing by education and have been in advertising, sales and Media Marketing roles in various MNCs for more than 16 years before venturing full-time into my current role which is also my passion.

In fact, my foray into healing and spirituality started during my corporate marketing career, where I experienced numerous health issues due to work stress. As fate would have it, it was my mother’s cancer that prompted me to learn Reiki to improve her health.

This decision not only helped my family heal but also changed my life for the better, healing my mom’s cancer and also my thyroid, slipped disc and many other unspoken issues.

I was then motivated to train in various spiritual modalities. It was during the pandemic that I decided to take a leap of faith and turn my passion into a profession by launching my wellness and self-empowerment platform, Inner Wisdom Light.

Soma Chatterjee

How did you discover your passion?

I was far away from discovering what my true calling was when I was in my corporate journey. While I was successful at my work, I would always feel that I was meant for something greater that would bring me a deeper sense of purpose. I would often question myself if I was really in the right place.

Now I know that I was, at a subconscious level, slowly manifesting this new path of my life back then. When you begin to question something, the universe helps you to find answers. In my case the universe pushed me into a personal situation of a series of ailments, that helped to discover that there is an amazing world of energy healing and spirituality.

When I started to dive deeper into this new world and read books like IKIGAI, I discovered that you can, in fact, make money and create a full-fledged career opportunity in this field.

This motivated me to train myself in various techniques and experience them with me and my loved ones to gather the courage to finally walk the path that I am on today.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Let me begin by telling you that a healer’s journey to choose the life path of healing and empowering people often goes through various challenges in their personal lives.

Most of the times, they themselves would have gone thorough challenges and issues that they are solving for people. Because they have been through life’s uncertainties, they are able to relate to what others may be going through and so there is an undying urge within them to help others come out of their own life’s challenges.

However, this process is both challenging as well as gratifying. There are times I don’t see results. Some other times, circumstances and the universe doesn’t cooperate with me.

At these times, it is important to understand your higher purpose – What lead me to follow my passion. I focus on the joy I find when facilitating growth in others, the responsibility and commitment I have towards my society and the love of continuous learning that the challenges teach me.

I believe that every situation, no matter how challenging it is, has a lesson for me. I focus on what I can learn from my challenges, make amendments, dust myself up and get back on track.

What drives me is the belief that everyone possesses the innate power to heal and transform their lives. I believe that everyone is the healer of their life. The fact that I can empower that inner healer through my gifts and the miraculous success stories I have encountered in the process drives me to keep going.

Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?

My mother, for bringing me into his beautiful world and teaching me what ‘giving’ means. It is true when they say that a mother’s love cannot be measured in words. The amount of love and support I receive from her everyday of my life, keeps me going and makes me want to contribute my gifts to the world.

My son, Shayan, for expressing his overflowing love for me and making me believe that love is in fact, unconditional. The more I spend time with my little boy, the more I want to become a better person.

The universe, the higher power that constantly and abundantly showers its blessings and guidance to help me keep going. From the smallest of business ideas to the biggest life decisions, I receive insightful downloads from the universe that always helps me to make my choices.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person? 

– Find time for yourself amidst all the external chaos

– Have a clear goal when you start your day, that gives you purpose

– Show up for your commitments towards yourself and others

– Be consistent in you know what you are doing is for the best

– Embrace fear and use it to grow, instead of running away from it

– Trust in you!

Soma Chatterjee

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

I believe that success is a holistic concept that goes beyond traditional measures like wealth or status.

Here is how to break it down. I call it the 12 steps to success:

1) Self-awareness: Understand yourself on a deep level. Know your strengths, weaknesses, values, and purpose. Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and success.

2) Mindset: Cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset. Your thoughts shape your reality, so focus on optimism, gratitude, and resilience. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

3) Alignment with Purpose: Connect with your life purpose and align your goals with it. When your actions are in harmony with your purpose, you’ll experience a greater sense of fulfilment and success.

4) Energy Management: Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Practice self-care, meditation, and activities that nourish your soul. A well-balanced energy system enhances your overall well-being and success.

5) Intuition and Inner Guidance: Trust your intuition and inner guidance. Develop your ability to listen to your inner wisdom, as it often leads you toward the right decisions and paths.

6) Authenticity: Be true to yourself and others. Authenticity fosters trust and genuine connections, creating a positive and supportive environment for personal and professional success.

7) Resilience: Develop resilience in the face of challenges. Life is full of ups and downs, but your ability to bounce back from setbacks is crucial for long-term success.

8) Continuous Learning: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth. Stay curious, open-minded, and adaptable. The willingness to learn new things enhances your skills and keeps you relevant in a changing world.

9) Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for what you have. Gratitude opens the door to abundance and attracts positive energy into your life.

10) Contribution and Service: Success is not only about personal gain but also about contributing to the well-being of others. Find ways to use your skills and resources to make a positive impact in the world.

11) Balanced Lifestyle: Maintain a balance between work, relationships, and personal well-being. A balanced lifestyle supports sustained success and happiness.

12) Network and Collaboration: Build positive relationships and networks. Collaborate with others who share your values and goals. A supportive community can be a powerful resource on your journey to success.

Success to me is a journey, not a destination. It’s a continuous process of growth, self-discipline, discovery, and contribution to the greater good.

What advice would you give to our readers?

Here is what my spiritual journey has taught me so far and I would love to share them with you.

Your present is your present. Live in the present moment because this is your biggest gift. If you can let go of holding on to your past moments that limit you, you can live this moment to the fullest and create a better future yourself.

Love to live and live to love. Love is a two-way process and it begins with yourself. When you begin to love yourself, begin to reflect that love outside as well. As a result, life loves you back.

Gratitude, your attitude. Here is why I love practising gratitude. It helps you to focus on what you have rather than what you lack. Have you noticed; you always say ‘thank you’ when you receive something. So, when you practice more of ‘thank you’, the universe feels obligated to give to that which you desire. Here is a personal example.

When I wanted to spread the knowledge of Reiki through my courses, I repeated this affirmation: Thank you universe to helping me share my gift with 100 people who are seeking guidance in learning Reiki. The next month I got a fresh batch of students enrolling for my Reiki course!

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

That smile I see on my when my clients leave my studio after a healing session, that empowerment I see on my students when they learn the amazing healing techniques and the blessings, I receive from them is priceless and more fulfilling than any promotion or increment I have ever received in my corporate life.

Being able to witness the transformation I see in individuals when they overcome their challenges, break through their limiting beliefs, release their emotional burdens, go through the process of inner healing and find peace is both humbling and exhilarating.

I also get to meet so many like-minded people and get learn so much from them. Some pieces of information can never match any knowledge you would have in the textbooks.

Furthermore, every appreciation I receive in the form of a review, a personal compliment, a genuine vote of thanks and a warm hug just makes my day and makes me want to do more. Celebrating the success stories of my clients, witnessing their achievements, and sharing in their moments of happiness creates a sense of my shared accomplishments with them.

Also, each success story reinforces my belief in the transformative power of healing and personal development.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Sneha Deshaware Pardeshi | Entrepreneur | Healer l Tarot Reader l Coach

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