Interview with Umesh Upaadyay | Life Coach I Motivational Speaker I Keynote Speaker

Umesh Upaadyay

At BrilliantRead Media, it is our constant endeavour to identify and share some of the unique and compelling stories from the startup ecosystem. As part of this, we invited yet another passionate entrepreneur Umesh Upaadyay for an interview with BrilliantRead Media. Umesh is a Seasoned Entrepreneur, Leader, Mentor, Coach, Speaker, Influencer and Change enabler. Let’s learn more about his background, his inspiring journey so far and his advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Umesh:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My diverse professional journey of over two decades so far has helped me cross-pollinate ideas across industry sectors, which includes, Aviation, IT & ITeS side, across Business Operations, Quality, Training & Human Resources with MNCs in India and abroad. 

Currently, I am an Independent Life Coach & Motivational Speaker. Working with people & for people directly or through association with various NGOs, has also helped me get to understand why we behave the way we do and how to manage ourselves, for better experiences in life. 

I am also into individual Counselling in the areas of Career & profession, Career transitioning, managing personal & professional goals, personal development, relationship/s, love & marriage related, parenting, social & spiritual.

Umesh Upaadyay

How did you discover your passion as a ‘Coach’? 

At the beginning of my professional career, a job is what I had always aspired to and learning and growing was my primary motive then. 

However, with time, as spent in great Companies, the realization started to seep in that my potential lies not in driving numbers, though I was good at it, but more toward facilitating people for better results professionally and learning the art of living.”

Multiple courses in-house, from outside, attending programs on Human Development, NLP and others, working in the social sector along with jobs in my free time, reading and listening to leaders and people from all walks of life helped me realize and take this conscious call of doing mentoring and coaching. Inspiring someone makes me happy.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?

Life is not unidirectional in terms of success and joy. It has it all and would stay until life exists. We do come across problems, but in fact, these are not the problems, instead, are situations. 

We keep moving from one situation to another. It is our response in those situations we are in, that matters the most, as every choice of ours will have a consequence, this or that. So I am not excluded; I also receive what others do. “

Yes, there could be differences in intensity, spread and frequency of getting struck and the way I manage. By continuously being aware, one makes a conscious choice to participate and respond. I have been learning these and this learning and growing is a lifelong process. Not giving up, is the attitude that I carry, irrespective of the situation placed in.

What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person? 

There are a few:

> Accepting life situations gracefully

> Taking full ownership & responsibility for the situation I had landed in

> Being conscious, and aware of what is happening outside & within me

> Choosing to respond, than to react

> Moving ahead with the mindset & clarity that, this shall also pass by 

In your opinion what are the keys to success?

It is all about perspective, the mindset and attitude one carries in life, throughout, which gives direction and if consistently and sincerely followed then you are on the right track to receive what is best for you.

A few key elements are, as below:

– Accept whatever unfolds, it is all as a consequence of our own doing – consciously or otherwise

– Seek to understand and take learnings from life and situations, to imbibe

– Be adaptable and flexible to incorporate changes if needed, as appropriate

– Be open to learning, of any type and from one resource if that is going to give you better experiences in life

– Being positive and overcoming setbacks as and when it occurs

– Planning and taking massive actions to meet goals or overcome present situations

People are under a lot of stress and are not happy these days. What would you think and suggest for our readers? 

First and foremost is to accept your present situation, always. People generally do not accept it and keep on fighting within; that is why me, what did I do wrong and multiple other internal conversations.

Well, these are not going to help one at all. First thing first, accept the present situation, whether it unfolded because of you or not, irrespective. Then look at it as a situation and not a problem. 

This helps you navigate better and come out of it faster. Look at ways to overcome your present state. If you can manage it all by yourself, then please go ahead and do the needful. If you think, you need help, then reach out to people, as appropriate and come out of it. 

However, after thinking, realizing, and concluding, if you happen to arrive at a decision that no, you cannot do anything about your present state, then let it be. As you cannot do much about it now and wait for the right time or support. 

At times, time is a big healer. Keep working, progressing, making efforts without feeling dejected or helpless. All this is normal and fine because when the right time comes, you shall be out of it, very comfortably.”  

Do what you are supposed to do now and as appropriate and if nothing can be done, then do not feel sad about your present situation. Take learnings from it and ensure you do not do the same thing ever again. Keep working further well, to better your life experiences. 

What do you see as a Challenge among people these days, especially in youth?

Well, in life, we are bound to come across situations. We keep on moving from one situation to another and not problems. It is our perception towards a situation, which makes us think and believe, what state we are in. 

This perception of the situation, not knowing how to manage it and our subconscious programming over a period of time, makes us react in a certain way and that is something which many a time creates a problem, in a situation. 

This is the main problem among people today, more often these days. It is not about any specific gender or age group, but it is evidently visible all across, especially in metro cities. 

Having the right understanding about the present situation and then how to manage self is the need of the hour, any time and every time. However, a lot of unnecessary thinking and not being able to manage self is the primary cause of concern among people and youth today. 

Life is not about academics alone or getting a position or meeting a desired goal. It is fine, you may have a goal and you may work towards the attainment of the same, but then being unable to manage yourself in this journey of life is what is causing unnecessary stress to people. 

This when understood and practised well to manage self slightly better, makes this journey of life, much more comfortable, irrespective of the situation one is in.

Umesh Upaadyay

What advice would you give to our readers?

You need not have to make a checklist, keep a check on it and keep marching ahead in life. Life doesn’t work with this approach. 

Instead, one just needs to learn to be conscious enough all the times, so that s/he is fully aware of the situations within and outside so that one is able to navigate through, find the best way to deal with it, appropriately.

This is a never ending process. Our perspectives in life, our attitude is what defines us, creates us, helps one develop traits to be able to live a fulfilled life.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

Yes, this is a journey and the journey is still on. When I look back, I do realize that things could have been handled much better, as there is always scope for improvement.

But then, the basis of one act is one’s experience, expertise and wisdom at any given point in time and if consciously acted upon well, then this is the best thing to do in a given time.

This wisdom keeps on growing with the passage of time, so it does appear that today, if I come across the same life situations then I shall be able to manage it further better.”

For me, it has all been a part of my journey and a multidimensional work and things what I have done and I feel good about it. It gives me satisfaction to have explored better. As the journey is still on, so I am sure, I shall be blessed with more exciting things in life.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Vindya Ayyar | Author | Life Coach | Industrial Psychologist | Career Counsellor | Influencer

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