In our relentless pursuit to identify and share with our community some of the unique and compelling startup stories from the ecosystem, this week we spoke to Team Kartavya Charitable Trust to understand more about their journey, their vision and the way forward. Kartavya Charitable Trust is a social venture that aims at spreading awareness around sanitary waste disposal in a proper way and wants to make India a Zero Waste country. Let’s read their unique story!
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with the Team:
We are aware of your contribution to the ecosystem, tell us a little bit about your venture and the problems you guys are solving, please;
Kartavya Charitable Trust has taken an initiative to make our environment clean and purest for all and started working towards this requirement. It is a registered trust (No: E/8957/Surat) which intends to raise awareness about Sanitary Waste Disposal in a proper way with the right process. Our aim is “EACH HOME, CLEAN HOME”.
Kartavya Charitable Trust is working in the direction to inspire users to buy and use certified environment-friendly Incinerators and is also helping an individual/organization to buy these Incinerators at a subsidized price.”
Our VISION is to live in “Clean and Pollution free India by sustainable, economical and environmentally friendly solutions”.
‘Kartavya Charitable Trust’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?
We have only one earth. It is the responsibility of every human being to protect nature, for which we are bound. Just taking from society and nature is ungrateful. Now is the time to give back to nature and society. Let’s use our intellect in the right way to make human life meaningful and thank God for giving us human birth and make him feel proud of what He has done. Considering this responsibility of every individual, we have given the “KARTAVYA” name to our trust.
New INDIA is developing rapidly, with lots of innovations happening almost every day, in various businesses and social fields. A sense of responsibility towards nature and mankind is a very important factor, which normally gets ignored by people due to lack of awareness. There are so many types of pollution happening around us. The government and socialists are working hard to control the majority of these identified pollution generators.
But one of the very important among these and not yet addressed by anyone is the Disposal of sanitary waste. At present, there is no proper method established and it’s been disposed of in a very unhygienic way. With animals like cows and dogs scraping through human waste, it’s utterly disgusting to see how it’s impacting not only us but innocent animals as well.”
It’s harming the whole environment including soil, air and water. With rain and other elements as such, it causes diseases among people. Kartavya Charitable Trust intends to raise awareness about Sanitary Waste Disposal in a proper way with the right process. Thus, we have chosen a very sensitive task and it is very unique in its way too. Below we give our mission statements:
1) To create public awareness about waste disposals and make them realize their responsibilities towards the conservation of our mother Earth.
2) To advise, guide and educate users about adopting the right processes of disposing of sanitary waste.
3) To inspire and promote users to buy certified environment-friendly instruments for sanitary waste disposals.
During this COVID-19 crisis, what are the measures you have undertaken to continue your business without disruption?
We had decided to arrange live seminars in various cities to make people realize the impact of harm happening to our Mother Earth and make them aware of our drive.
Definitely, due to Covid our road map and plan regarding spreading awareness at a large level has been affected but our team immediately made another plan of usage of social media and platform.
So, we quickly moved to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to spread our content to the general public. Through online magazines, online news articles, printed articles and interview support given by your firm have tremendously helped us in our motive.

How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives the team?
We have met many challenges in terms of delay in government processes due to lockdowns and less working hours. We even faced challenges during tie-ups with incinerator manufacturers.
But, by God’s grace, our team stayed positive and maintained the enthusiasm level. Every member of the team is committed towards assigned work.
Please share with us about your expansion plans?
Our plan starts with “Each Home, Clean Home”. At the same time, we aim to reach the masses and public places. If Sanitary Pad Burning Machine, Medical Waste Burning Machine, Household Waste Burning Machine (Incinerators) will be used in every home, institute, college, station, theatre and public places, then the high levels of air, water and land pollution will get reduced.
Objectives of our Trust:
a) We at Kartavya Charitable Trust intend to focus on spreading awareness of the proper method of disposing of sanitary pads (using an incinerator) in every household.
b) Spreading Awareness of proper disposal of Sanitary Pads
c) Promoting cleanliness and a healthy environment
d) Putting vital efforts contributing to “Swacha Bharat Abhiyaan” through this activity and social awareness
e) Providing an avenue for a convenient and hygienic way for disposal
Scope of our work:
a) We aim to convey the message locally in Surat / Mumbai / Vapi / Nasik first through Kartavya Charitable trust members and other volunteers willing to be part of the campaign. (We have team members from these cities)
b) After good acceptance by these cities, we will spread it throughout the nation covering small towns also (We have team members who can reach out through their contacts and definitely through social media)
c) Finally, we want to reach out to the entire world because it is the matter of our Mother Earth. (We already have team members from different countries)
What has worked well for you so far?
Our team is dedicated, positive, hardworking and enthusiastic. Every member of the team is committed towards assigned work.
We have a professional environment still we look out for each other as a family. We support each other and every member is faithful towards the trust. This has proven to be major support as of now.

What is one strategy that you guys believe has helped you grow as a team?
We have identified the core strength of each member and assigned tasks based on that calibre.
While assigning this, we kept full trust and provided full support. Due to this, every member is able to give their best.”
Another thing is, members have understood our genuineness and offered their service at a very nominal rate or even free of charge.
In your opinion, what is more necessary: Ideas or a good team for a successful startup?
According to us, both are equally important. If the idea is good but there is no good team to support the cause and work as a unit then the idea fails. In the same way, if team members are very much dedicated but they are not working towards a good idea then it’s worthless.
What advice would you give to students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?
The core success mantra according to us is hard work. There is no option or shortcut for any success without it. Along with this, one needs to have honesty and dedication.
Also, never lose your dignity at any cost. You may come across many obstacles and may even face depression.
Never lose hope in such a scenario and keep faith in God and self. Restart your work with the same zeal and enthusiasm if needed.
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