Revolutionising the bread industry – Interview with Priyanshi Dhir | Co-Founder and CEO of Barken’s a clean daily bread brand!

Priyanshi Dhir

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Priyanshi Dhir for an exclusive interview with us. Priyanshi is an Entrepreneur and Co-Founder & CEO of Barken’s. Let’s learn more about her background, journey and her advice for our community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Priyanshi:

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

My journey has been an exciting roller-coaster ride, full of unexpected twists and turns. Beginning in the world of films. Crafting stories through visuals and making brands come alive on screen was a passion that led me to advertising. I started my career as a producer, and by the age of 22, I had launched my own production house. Those were exhilarating times, filled with creativity and ambition.

Then came COVID—a time of reflection and realization. It made me think deeply about my purpose, about how I could contribute to leaving the world better than I found it. Being a bread lover and a food enthusiast, I was always aware of the questionable ingredients lurking in our everyday packaged foods, especially bread—something we consume daily. And believe me, once you know what’s really in them, you’ll never look at bread the same way again. That’s when the idea for Barken’s was born.

It’s not just a product; it’s a movement, an ideology. We believe that clean food shouldn’t be a luxury—it’s a necessity. None of us co-founders are bakers by trade; we’re simply frustrated consumers who decided to take matters into our own hands.

We knew someone had to stand up and make a change, not just on a niche level but for everyone at a mass level. And that’s exactly what Barken’s is about—creating better food for a better world.”

At its core, Barken’s is about transparency, quality, and making a positive impact on the way people think about their food. No more compromises, no more chemicals and preservatives in our food. We’re here to ensure that what we consume daily is not just delicious, but also something we can trust.

‘Barken’s’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

“Barken’s” is a name rooted in nature and purpose. The inspiration comes from the word ‘bark,’ which represents the outer protective layer of a tree. Just as a tree’s bark shields its inner core, our breads are made with love to protect you and your loved ones from the harmful ingredients often found in traditional breads. It’s time to know what’s inside the breads we love.

We believe that food should nourish, not harm, and our mission is to provide a safe, delicious alternative that truly supports your well-being while keeping all the food fads aside. Balance is at the heart of everything we do because life feels beautiful when it’s in balance. We don’t believe in following trends or giving up what we love—whether it’s white bread, pav, or a multigrain loaf. What matters is that it’s made with pure love and without any adulteration.

As for the problem we’re solving, it’s something deeply personal yet universally relatable. Packaged foods, especially breads, have become a staple in our lives, yet so many of them are filled with ingredients that are far from natural or healthy. Convenience often comes at the cost of quality, and most consumers are unaware of what they’re really consuming. Barken’s is here to change that.

We’re tackling the issue of transparency in food. Our mission is to create breads that you can trust—made from clean, simple ingredients without the hidden additives and preservatives that have become all too common. We believe that everyone deserves access to real, honest food, and we’re committed to making that a reality.

In essence, Barken’s is about reclaiming the integrity of what we eat. We’re solving the problem of mistrust in food by offering a product that prioritizes taste, well being and is a better for you , without compromise. Our bread is not just something to eat—it’s something you can feel good about consuming every day.

Barken’s vision:

VISION – Building and supporting a world where producing and consuming clean food is the norm.

MISSION – Making Clean breads affordable and accessible for everyone.

What is Barken’s unique selling proposition (USP)? What sets your brand apart from competitors?

At Barken’s, our unique selling proposition goes beyond just the product, it’s rooted in our deep commitment to making a difference. We care, and that care is reflected in everything we do. While many brands focus on standing out, we focus on standing for something meaningful.

Our vision is simple yet powerful: to make clean breads accessible and affordable for everyone. We believe no one should have to compromise on quality or health when choosing their daily bread.

You shouldn’t have to think twice before picking up a clean loaf, worry about the cost, or go out of your way to find it. Whether it’s at your local grocery store or just a click away on our website, Barken’s is here to make clean bread the norm.

We’re committed to reshaping the way people think about food, one loaf at a time, so that clean bread becomes an everyday reality for all.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

Challenges are what drives me—they’re the fuel that keeps me going. Without them, life would feel so dull and stagnant. What keeps me moving forward, even when things are tough, is the strong belief in the change we’re trying to make. I want to leave the world better than we found it, and that goal motivates me every day no matter how difficult things get.

I often say, if I wouldn’t eat something myself or serve it to my family and loved ones, I certainly wouldn’t ever offer it to anyone. That principle keeps me grounded and determined to ensure that Barken’s remains a brand people can trust. It’s not just about making products; it’s about making a real difference in the lives of those who choose us.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

I believe that life teaches lessons every day. But if I had to choose the three most important lessons that have shaped me, they would be:

Never be afraid to make mistakes, because they are often our best teachers. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become better.

I’ve learned to welcome criticism with open arms. It’s through understanding where we fall short that we can make real improvements. I would rather hear what I need to work on than only hear praise. Turning those wrongs into rights is where true growth happens.

Work-life balance is essential, though I’ll admit I haven’t mastered it yet. It’s a journey I’m still on, but I believe that one day, I’ll find the right equilibrium.

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

I am no one to give any advice.

Each on their own

There are no rules to success, everyone has their own journey, own purpose and own goals.

You just have to be at it. It’s a plain canvas go paint it your way just remember to try every colour and choose your accent colour.

Last but not least, what about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

What makes my journey truly satisfying is the belief that we’re paving the way for a future where clean breads are accessible to everyone.

The thought of a world where no one has to compromise on the quality of what they eat be it a white bread, whole wheat bread or a delicious kulcha, fuels my excitement every day. Knowing that we’re making this vision a reality, step by step, is incredibly fulfilling and I have no doubt that we’ll achieve it.

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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Sulekha Chandra | Author | Mentor | Emotional Intelligence Coach | Speaker | Corporate Trainer | Founder and CEO at Gyan Paradise

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