Understanding the Damages Caused by Speeding Accidents

Every state in the US has different laws on speeding. These laws differ by vehicle type and road classification, such as highways, freeways, or urban roads. If you drive over the speed limit anywhere in the country, you will be issued a speeding ticket.

Speeding is a major factor in road accidents, causing over 9,000 deaths every year since 2001. At the rate of around 30 fatalities a day, anyone could be a victim of speeding. 

Being injured in a speeding accident gives you the right to file a personal injury claim. Hiring a lawyer would help you assess the damages caused by a speeding accident and file your claim.

What happens when a driver breaks the speed limit?

  • Loss of control: At higher speeds, vehicles are difficult to control as the friction between the tires and the road changes. This may cause the vehicle to skid.
  • Lower reaction times: When a vehicle travels at high speeds, drivers can’t respond quickly to changes on the road. For example, if a child is crossing the road, the driver may not notice or stop on time.
  • Effectiveness of protective equipment: Safety equipment like helmets and seatbelts are designed to work at specific speeds. At higher speeds, the force of the impact will be too great for the equipment to handle.
  • Severity of injuries: At incredibly high speeds, the body can suffer more damage. For example, falling off a motorcycle while going 20 miles an hour could lead to minor injuries, whereas being hurled from a vehicle going 75 miles an hour would lead to death.

Injuries caused by speeding

Accident victims can suffer from a wide range of injuries, depending on the circumstances of the crash. The injuries include

  • Fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Dislocated joints
  • Amputations
  • Lacerations

Damages caused by speeding

Typically, under personal injury law, damages are awarded under different categories: 

Economic damages refer to damages that can be clearly measured in financial terms, such as medical expenses and loss of wages.

Medical costs

People injured due to speeding accidents will have to pay for medical treatment to recover from their injuries. These bills can often be expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Victims may even require multiple surgeries or extensive rehabilitation to recover.

This can have a drastic effect on people’s finances. It could mean that a significant portion of their salary was spent on medical bills, and they may not have the means to spend on anything else, like essential supplies for their children or mortgages.

Career impact

Being injured in an accident could leave people with disabilities that prevent them from going back to their previous jobs. This means a loss of income. Victims may no longer have the means to support themselves.

In addition, permanent disabilities could mean increased daily costs, such as having to buy a special vehicle or pay for specialized transport.

Injuries could also mean time off from work, which means reduced wages. As a result, people may not be able to pay their bills. If the injuries come at a crucial time at work, it could lead to a loss of promotion.

Property damage

Property can be damaged in the course of an accident. While vehicles bear the brunt of the damage from speeding accidents, structures around the cars could also suffer from the impact. This includes things like:

  • Private property like a fence or a tree
  • Other vehicles
  • Electronic devices and jewelry

The loss of this property could cause the owners significant financial damage, not to mention emotional damage from the sentimental value of the property lost. Every year, the government spends billions of dollars on damages due to speed-related crashes.

Non-economic damages refer to any type of damage that is more abstract and difficult to measure, like psychological damage.

Emotional damage

Being in an accident can be very traumatizing. People are known to suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD from being in an accident. 

Victims could develop phobias related to driving, for example, and never be able to drive again.

Their depression could lead to a loss of enjoyment in life or a withdrawal from their loved ones.

Their performance at work or school could suffer, impacting their life.

Losing a loved one in an accident can bring an untold amount of grief and misery to people. Forget the loss of income this may imply, there is no measuring the loss of their presence. 


In conclusion, speeding causes irreparable damage to life and property. The damages vary from bodily injury to financial loss to irreparable psychological trauma.

An estimated 29% of fatalities in 2022 were due to speeding. If you’re ever caught in an accident, consider hiring a competent lawyer to walk you through your rights.


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